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Q: Could your septic tank be messing up if you wash clothes and now your tubs are full of black water?
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Could you really levitate with wearing black clothes?

no it is a illusion

How do you say black and white in french?

Black=Noir White=Blanc The previous answer was someone messing with you.

Can you wash pink cloths with black clothes?

No you cannot..... the pink clothes will be stained from the black clothes... ithink.....

Does Miley Cyrus make her clothes for black people?

no she does not make her clothes for black people

What is slimming?

It means losing weight by dieting or it could mean something has a slimming effect such as wearing black clothes.

How does the septic tank helps separate sewage?

Yes, it separates the sewage into black water and solids. The solids remain in the tank and are consumed by microbes and worms, forming a 'mattress' of semi solids that floats in the tank as black water passes out of the tank to the septic field.

Does household waste water go into septic tanks?

Yes, if your house has a septic tank water from the sink and bath will eventually goes to the septic tank. However if your house is equipped with a fully dual grey water/black water sewage system, water from the sink and bath will first go to the grey water storage tank, the toilet will fill its tank from the grey water storage tank then flush through the black water pipes to the septic tank.

Do you get hotter in black clothes then white when it is hot?

Yes, because black clothes absorbs every wavelength of light, while the white clothes reflects every wavelength of light, thus black clothes absorbing the most heat.

Can you use devotees in a sentence?

You could easily identify them as devotees of the Goth style of music by the their preference for wearing black clothes.

How do you keep black clothes black?

Don't wash it.

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