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All countries are located on tectonic plates - in fact the world is entirely covered with tectonic plates! Where different plates interact with each other the results can affect the countries locally. Where plates push together you can get volcanoes and earthquakes (an example is Japan.) Where plates pull apart there is usually lots of ocean but you can get some calm volcanism, (an example being Iceland.) Where plates rub past one another there can be earthquakes. An example would be the west coast of the USA and the San Andreas Fault.)

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3d ago

Some countries located near or on tectonic plates include Japan, Indonesia, Chile, and Turkey. These countries are prone to frequent seismic activity, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, due to their positioning along tectonic plate boundaries.

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Q: Countries located near or on the tectonic plates?
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Which tectonic plate boundary is Cali in Columbia located near?

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Why are volcanoes typically located near medium and deep earthquakes?

because there by the edge of the tectonic plates.

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"Young" mountain ranges as well as earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonic plates tend to be located on or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.

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The Pacific Plate and the Australian Plate are the tectonic plates that lie near Samoa.

What countries have valcanos?

You are able to find all types of volcanoes on, or near the tectonic plates but all have their own distinct area.

Are all tectonic plates located at earth's core?

No tectonic plates are in or even near the earth's core! The tectonic plates are fragments of the earth's crust. At subduction zones the edge of the subducting tectonic plate descends as much as a few hundred miles down into the earth's mantle before melting and becoming part of the mantle.

Where are earthquakes usailly located?

The same places as volcanoes, on the coasts of countries and near plates

Where in the world are volcanoes more likely to form?

Near tectonic plates:)

Where are most earthquakes likely to occur?

At or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.along the Pacific Rim, which includes most of the countries that has the Pacific Ocean as a coast line.Plate boundaries (constructive,destructive,conservative,collision)Along earthquake faultsunderwater

Why does Japan have more earthquakes than Britain?

Because it is located near the ring of fire, therefore it is more exposed to the tension between the tetonic plates. (Most of the movement of the tectonic plates causes earthquakes)

Why do most earthquakes occur at or near tectonic plate boundaries?

Most earthquakes occur near tectonic plates because as the plates shift, they move the ground causing an earthquake to occur. Most earthquakes happen there but you must keep in mind that the tectonic plates only move 4-6 centimeters every years.