


The Republic of Chile is on the west side of the South American Andes Mountains from Argentina. It has the world's driest desert and the world's largest Greek overseas community. Typical contributions include questions about the country's ancient artifacts and stone petroglyphs, Croat and German immigrant heritage, Mapuche indigenous culture, Pacific Ocean island possessions, sophisticated city life, stabilized politics, and vast mineral resources.

964 Questions

What was the depth of the 1960 Chile earthquake?

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The focus of the 9.5 (moment magnitud scale) eartquake of Valdivia 1960 was shallow, 33 km deep.

What is a famous volcano in Chile?

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One famous volcano in Chile is Villarrica, located in the southern part of the country in the Chilean Lake District. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Chile and is popular for hiking and skiing activities.

Why is Chile's shape so thin?

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Chile's thin shape is due to its geographical location between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The country's elongated strip of land stretches for over 4,300 kilometers, but is only about 177 kilometers wide on average. This unique geography gives Chile its characteristic thin shape.

How did the Chilean miners get trapped?

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The Chilean miners were trapped underground in the San José Mine in Chile on August 5, 2010, due to a collapse of the main ramp that connected the surface to the lower part of the mine. This collapse blocked their only way out and left them stranded about 2,300 feet below ground.

How many days have the 33 chilean miners been stuck?

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The 33 Chilean miners were trapped underground for 69 days before being rescued.

How many days have the 33 miners from Chile been stuck underground?

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The 33 miners from Chile were stuck underground for 69 days before they were rescued on October 13, 2010.

What is the name of the mine in Chile that collapsed in August 2010?

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The mine that collapsed in Chile in August 2010 was called the San Jose mine.

How long were the Chilean miners trapped underground before they were discovered to be alive?

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The mine in Chile's Atacama Desert collapsed on August 5, trapping 33 miners within. It was only on August 22, 17 days later, that contact was made with them. Before this, the longest time spent underground by survivors of a mine collapse was 25 days. That's how long survivors were trapped in 2009, in a flooded mine in southern China. They survived for those first two and a half weeks on food and water rations that were in the shaft that sheltered them. Since the supplies there were only enough to last for 48 hours, they were severely rationing the amounts taken each day by each of the men. Each man was allowed two spoons of tuna, one half biscuit and a half cup of milk every two days. They have already lost more than 20 pounds (9 kilograms) each.

How many volcanos does chile have?

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Chile has over 500 volcanoes along the Andes mountain range, including both active and dormant ones. The country is home to some of the highest volcanoes in the world, such as Ojos del Salado and Llullaillaco.

Why are the miners stuck underground in Chile?

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The miners in Chile were trapped underground due to a cave-in at the San José copper-gold mine. The collapse blocked the exit and trapped the miners about 2,300 feet below the surface. Efforts were made to rescue them, resulting in their eventual successful extraction after 69 days.

How often does earthquakes happen in Chile?

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Chile is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, experiencing earthquakes frequently due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire. On average, Chile has about 1500-2000 earthquakes each year, with varying degrees of magnitude.

What was the date of 2010 Chile earthquake?

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The 2010 Chile earthquake occurred on February 27, 2010.

How much damage did the 2010 Chile earthquake do?

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The 2010 Chile earthquake was one of the most powerful recorded in history with a magnitude of 8.8. It caused widespread damage across central Chile, including over 500 deaths, thousands injured, and extensive destruction of infrastructure, buildings, and homes. The economic cost of the earthquake was estimated to be around $30 billion.

How big is Chile in kilometers?

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Chile is approximately 4,300 kilometers long and varies in width from 177 kilometers to 356 kilometers.

What are the responses on the earthquake in Chile?

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Authorities are assessing the damage caused by the earthquake in Chile. Emergency response teams have been deployed to assist those affected. Efforts are ongoing to ensure the safety and well-being of the population.

How long did the earthquake last in Chile in 2010?

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The 1st tremor larger than magnitude 5.0 was at 06:34 UTC on Feb 27,2010 measuring 8.8 on the Richter Scale. It lasted about 3 minutes.

It has suffered many aftershocks 6 larger than mag 6.0. It is still happening as of Feb 29th, 2010 @ 13:57 UTC.

It also spawned a secondary earthquake of 6.3 in Argentina with an aftershock of 6.1.

How much stronger was the Chile earthquake than the one in Haiti?

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The earthquake in Chile in 2010 had a magnitude of 8.8, while the one in Haiti in 2010 had a magnitude of 7.0. This means that the Chile earthquake was significantly stronger, with its impact reflecting the difference in magnitude.

What is the climate in Chile like in January?

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In January, Chile experiences summer with warm and sunny weather in the central and southern regions, while the northern regions can be hot and dry. The capital city, Santiago, typically has temperatures ranging from 60-85°F (15-30°C), with low humidity and minimal rainfall.

How many aftersocks were there in the 2010 Chile earthquake?

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There were numerous aftershocks following the 2010 Chile earthquake, with some measuring as high as magnitude 7.1. These aftershocks continued for several weeks after the main earthquake, causing further damage and fear among the population.

What is the difference between the Haitian earthquake and the Chilean earthquake?

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The Haitian earthquake occurred in 2010 with a magnitude of 7.0, resulting in widespread devastation and a high number of casualties. The Chilean earthquake took place in 2010 as well, with a magnitude of 8.8, causing significant damage but with fewer casualties due to better infrastructure and preparedness in Chile.

Where was the hypocentre of the Chilean earthquake in February 2010?

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The hypocentre or focus of the February 2010 Chilean earthquake was 35 km below the Earth's surface. Above this was the epicentre which was 100 km NNW of the nearest city, Chillan, around 115 km NNE of Concepcion and 325km SW of the capital Santiago

According to the USGS the exact co-ordinates were 35.846°S, 72.719°W.

Please see the related question for more information.

What is the altitude of Valparaiso in Chile?

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Valparaiso's average elevation is around 52 meters (170 feet) above sea level.

Why are there glaciers in warm countries like Chile?

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Glaciers in Chile can exist in mountainous regions that are high enough in altitude to maintain colder temperatures year-round. These glaciers are formed from compacted snow and ice that accumulate over time, even in warmer climates, due to the combination of high altitude, shading from surrounding mountains, and snowfall that exceeds melting rates.

What phrase best describes the geography of Chile?

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"Long and narrow" is a phrase that best describes the geography of Chile, as the country stretches over 4,300 kilometers along the western edge of South America, bordered by the Andes Mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

What Is Chiles Natural Resources?

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Chile's natural resources include copper, lithium, timber, fish, and agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables. The country also has significant geothermal and solar energy potential. Additionally, Chile is known for its rich biodiversity, with unique flora and fauna found in its diverse ecosystems.