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Q: Country belong in the polar zone?
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What are the five climate zones?

The polar zone, the mountain zone, the temperate zone, the tropical zone, and desert zone

What zone receives the least sun?

The zone that receives the least Sun is called the Polar Zone. From December to March, it's the Northern Polar zone. From June to September, it's the Southern Polar Zone.

What are 5 countries that have polar zone?

locate 5 countries that are located in the polar zone

In what zone do polar bears swim?

Polar Bears live in the North Arctic Zone.

How is a tropical zone different from a polar zone?

Tropical zones are warmer and polar zones are colder.

What is a polar zone?

The polar regions are the areas of the Earth that surround the poles. The North Pole and South Pole being the centers, these regions are dominated by the polar ice caps, resting respectively on the Arctic Ocean and the continent of Antarctica.

What is the biggest country in the polar zone?

The answer might depend on the exact definitions. Russia is the Earth's biggest country, and part of its area is within the Arctic Circle.

What are major climate zones?

Temperate Zone Polar Zone Tropical Zone

How do you use the word polar zone in a sentence?

Antarctica exists entirely within the polar zone around the South Pole. In the polar zone of the Arctic, sea ice covers most of the ocean in winter.