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Crocodiles do not breath in water. They use their nostrils to breath in and out air while they are mostly submerged.

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Q: Crocodile use what to breathe in the water?
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Which respiratory system does crocodile use to breathe in water?

None ! When submerged it holds its breath. When at the surface it breathes air. It doesn't breathe under water.

Which respiratory system does a crocodile use to breathe in water?

Crocs don't breath underwater. They have lungs and breathe air pretty much like you and I. Thye hold their breath while diving.

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well, a shark bite is usually created by a shark (when it bites you) and a crocodile bite is usually created by a crocodile.

Do crocodile breathe through their nose?

yes they do

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They use their gills to breathe under water.

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They use a blow hole to breathe in/out air when the surface the water.

How does the crocodile use camouflage?

it hides in the water except the eyes

What is one similarity between an eagle and a crocodile?

Both have a backbone and four appendages. They are animals that breathe and rely on food and water.

What do vertebrates use to breathe on water?

they use gills

How does a crocodile breathe?

Crocodiles breathe through the nose and lungs just like you.