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Q: Crusaders came from and where they were going?
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What part of the world did the crusaders came from?

The crusaders came from Europe and England.

Did crusaders come from France?

Crusaders came from Britain, France, Belgium, Spain and a few other countries.

What do crusaders get for going in a crusade?


Who were the crusaders from Europe?

Crusaders came from all over Europe. They were members of the catholic church.

Who comes first crusaders or knights?

Knights came first.

European Crusaders came from all the following countries?


Were the crusaders Christan or Muslim?

The Crusaders were the Christians. That was the whole point. They were going to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

For what reason did people in Europe become crusaders?

The reason people in europe became crusaders is because they were going to habe a war and a trip to jerusalem

The crusaders came to the middle east in the 12 and 13 century to fight the followers of what faith?


Why were the Turks defeated by the crusaders at Jerusalem?

The crusaders defeated the Turks at the city of Jerusalem.

Were the Crusaders Jews?

No, Catholics started the Crusades because the Ottomans were terrorizing the Catholics who went on pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Ottomans were also attacking the Eastern Roman Empire. Some crusaders, instead of going to the Holy Land, slaughtered Jews. Some crusaders did both.

What was Anna Comnena's opinions about the Crusaders?

Anna Comnena thought highly of the civilized crusaders fighting for God, but greatly disliked the dirty and wreck-less crusaders. She speaks about their imposing on her empire and being so brutal for no reason. Pretty much she respected the true crusaders, but didn't like the brutal ones going on crusades for money and power.