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Culturally diverse client groups often have complex needs related to their clients, we often have within our team co-workers whose cultural.

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Q: Cultural needs of clients and or co-workers?
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To identify the needs of clients, you have to have to know your clients wants and needs. It is important to have communication with the client. It is also important to coordinate the care needed.

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To identify the needs of clients, you have to have to know your clients wants and needs. It is important to have communication with the client. It is also important to coordinate the care needed.

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In order to know how should they talk to the clients with special needs or a mental illness and if they are supposed to be with clients all day or in the office one needs to know who you are referring to.

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The main barriers to identify the needs of clients include communication barriers, and failure to identify the exact needs of your clients.

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you need to meet clients needs and expectations becuase then u can know what they want and how they feel about their treatment.

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