

Cut cats nail and it is bleeding bad. What do I do?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Cut cats nail and it is bleeding bad. What do I do?
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Can you die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water?

No, you cannot die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water. The only bad thing about putting a bleeding cut under hot water is that it expands the vessels and will not stop the bleeding. Luke warm water or cold water is the best for a bleeding cut.

Is it bad to have a cut in your head an its does not stop bleeding?

You might want to see a doctor about that.

What do you do when you get a cut?

Depends on how bad you cut yourself, take a clean towel and apply firm pressure, if the bleeding continues go to the ER for stitches.

Is it bad to get nail polish in a cut?

no, it is not. It will sting a bit, of course, but won't harm you.

Why is internal bleeding bad?

Internal bleeding is not a sign of imminent death, its like a normal bleed but with out a way to get out of your body, like a cut or something similar. A small bruise is an internal bleeding. Large internal bleeding's are bad because its hard to spot one in time to prevent more damage to your body. To "heal" a internal bleeding you must have a small surgery so the doctors can stop the bleeding and clean the blood. If not cleaned and stopped it can get infected or you could bleed to death.

When you cut your finger blood flows out later on the bleeding stop why?

when your finger gets cut and bleeds for 5 minutes or so and then just stops it's because the blood clots. it's not a bad clot just one to stop bleeding. washing the cut and applying pressure also helps.

Is it bad if a guinea pigs nails are so long that they curl under?

yes. you should cut them or bring them to a vet. if your pet's feet start bleeding after you cut them, you should bring it to the vet after.

What do you do if a cats tail gets cut by a door?

Think of what you would do if you had a bad cut on your finger by slamming the door on it. No different for your cat! Get your cat to the vets immediately before infection sets in! but what if you don't have a vet

Are cats good guys or bad guys?

Good guys, they are cats

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What do you do when your dog breaks a nail and the quick is exposed?

I all ways get a warm wet cloth and put it on it and holed presher on it,then put broken dog claw cream on it,if it is still bleeding put cloth back on for a little bit longer.If it is still bleeding bad wrap it in a cloth for 10 mins.

Are cats bad or good?

bad Its is an opinion but personally I think good.