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a) place in a concentrated salt solution.

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Q: Cytoplasm in a plant cell will shrink if the cell is?
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What makes cytoplasm in a plant cell shrink?

If you place the cell in a hypertonic solution (a solution with a higher concentration of salt than the cell) the cell membrane would shrink.

What is the shrinking of plant cells when water leaves the cell membrane?

It is called plasmolysis. The cytoplasm and vacuole shrink but cell wall remains the same.

Does a plant cell have a cytoplasm?

Yes. Cells, whether it be animal, bacterial, plant, or fungi, all have cytoplasm which suspends all its organelles in place.

Where is the chloroplast located in the cell?

they are located (in a plant cell) anywhere, not just in one place

Where is the cytoplasm in the animal cell or the plant cell?

It is in plant AND animal cells.

What will cause the cell to shrink when placed in hypertonic solution?

The cytoplasm looses water to the cell exterior.

Are chloroplasts only present in the plant cell cytoplasm?

Chloroplasts are present in plant cell cytoplasm and in some of the protists cells.

Which cell has cytoplasm?

All cells have cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is the gel-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles. It plays a crucial role in supporting the structure of the cell and facilitating various cellular processes.

What is cell sap in a plant cell?

The Cell Sap is the Cytoplasm of the plant cell. The Cytoplasm is a liquid in which all the organelles within a cell are suspended, and is made mostly of water. Most of the cells activities and reactions occur in the Cytoplasm.

Is the cell of plant the same as of the animal cell?

No, the cell of an animal has no cytoplasm or cell wall but the plant cell does.

Where is the cell is the chloroplast?

Chloroplast is in the cytoplasm of plant cell .

Is cytoplasm in a plant cell?
