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Q: Damage to the genetic material in your skin cells can result in a serious disease called?
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What are some uncommunicable disease?

Any disease that is genetic, or caused by damage to tissue is uncommunicable. Examples are hemophilia, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases.

What is the function of the cytoplasm in a cell-?

The function of cytoplasm is to transport genetic material and the products of cellular respiration.Its also a fluid which protects the cell's genetic material and organelles from damage due to movement or collision with other cells.

What are agents that might damage DNA called?

Mutagen is the name of environmental agents that can cause defects in genetic material.

Is cystic fibrosis a chronic disease of the immune system?

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic genetic disease. It is not an autoimmune disease. However, recent research indicates that an overactive immune response contributes to inflammation and damage in the lungs.

Why is diabetes such a serious disease?

because one can get into an epileptic shock if he is unable to correct his bloodsugar levels with insuline in time. this shock can do serious damage and one needs to go to a hospital for observation

In what stage of alcoholism does the drinker face serious health problems?

The last or late stage is when the alcoholic faces serious health issues, like liver and brain damage and heart disease.

In what conditions is transferrin decreased?

protein deficiency, liver damage, malnutrition, severe burns, kidney disease, chronic infections, and certain genetic disorders

What does alltimers mean?

I think you mean Alzheimer's and it is a serious disease among elderly people hat causes brain damage and memory loss

What genetic disease affects 10 percent of the black population?

Sickle cell disease affects around 10% of the African American population due to a genetic mutation that affects the hemoglobin in red blood cells. This disease can cause chronic pain, anemia, and organ damage. Due to the severity of this condition, early detection and proper management are crucial.

What is cocaine addiction?

Dependency to cocaine which is considered a very serious disease that can really bring tremendous damage to its victim. Although this disease is curable, a proper drug rehabilitation program and drug intervention can be a big help.

Why does brain damage due to injuries disease or birth defects have such a serious consequence on our lives?

it causes your brain to not work tht much for example say this kid had brain damage his brain would not work as good as your brain