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Q: Dark bleeding and clots at 2 months?
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Your girlfriend had a brown and pinkish spotting one day before a heavy flow of bleeding menstruation Is it normal The bleeding for day one is quite heavy and then turn to moderate in day 2 and 3?

Can implantation bleeding be heavy until you need napkins? Btw the spotting of brownish blood contains clots, can implantation bleeding consists of clots?

Is dark blood clots during the 2 trimester normal?

no you must go to doctor

Is it normal to have light bleeding when your 2 months pregnant?

No! You shouldn't be bleeding unless you're not pregnant!

Is it possible to pass blood clots during pregnancy and not miscarry?

Yes, it is possible. I had a sub chorionic bleed that caused cramping and bleeding, including passing clots, for about 3 weeks. My doctor monitored me with ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy was viable and that I was not at risk of serious bleeding. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have not had any bleeding for approximately 2 weeks.

Can you get a positive result for a pregnancy test and start bleeding with clots and when you take another test 2 weeks later it says negative?

It means you had a miscarriage.

7 weeks pregnant light bleeding with 2 clots but no cramps have i misscarried?

it happens due to sex or lifting heavy at least 2 kg directly to words abdomen.

Is it normal to bleed after a womb scraping. Especially when it's heavy bleeding and blood clots on the third day after the procedure?

Yes, it's normal to bleed 1-2 weeks.

If you get you tongue pierced and it goes through a vein how will you stop the bleeding?

Basic First Aid 1) remove the jewellery 2) apply gauze and direct pressure to the area 3) wait with pressure applied, the body will attempt to form clots to stop the bleeding. Do not try to reinsert the jewellery once the bleeding stops, this will cause the bleeding to re-occure.

Do you have blood clots in implantation bleeding?

Blood clots can be implantation bleedingThere can be very tiny small clots. it's alright though no harm done. because i had that whenever i had implantation bleeding! AnswerI didn't but every girl is different Implantation can look different to any other girl who has it. Implantation bleeding is nothing like a period by the way.From the asker:Thanks alot, i was having trouble trying to find out what was happening to me. I had the brown discharge, nothing at all like blood, the cramps and it came down a few days before my period. I had unprotected sex a week before this happened and i was not sure if i was really going through implantation bleeding. I had all the signs, but the small clots freaked me OUT!!! Thanks alot for the answer, it was very useful.Ill take a test in 2 weeks to be sure

Could it be a miscarriage if you are bleeding when you go to the bathroom and bleed lightly while just sitting aroung and you have bled out 2 large clots while using the bathroom?

Answeryes i really gotta go

Does implantation cause small clots and red light bleeding?

and last less than 2 hours Answer I'm not sure about that clots I don't think so. Mine was stringy pink blood in discharge which lasted a day but only happened once in that day. You should go to the doctors From pink princess

Is a light period days before your cycle begins and you get no regular period on that day mean your pregnant?

I've been pregnant twice and both times I got about a 2-4 day period of brown/light colored period with no clots (very light, usually I have 6-7 days with clots and dark blood). Both times I got this right before or right around when I should have gotten my regular period. Then I didnt have anymore bleeding and yes I was pregnant.