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Q: Daughter who lives with her father you supposed to see her every other weekend she has not come to visit what should you do?
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Is there an age when a FATHER should stop being a father in a daughter's life?

No, once a father always a father. No matter what their ages are, they will always be father and daughter.

Should one see their daughter every other weekend even when the mother and her family threatens and bashes the father in front of ones daughter?

Let me make sure I have this right, so I don't answer the wrong question. I'll use fake names. :) Should Suzie see her daughter Allie every other weekend, even though Suzie threatens and bashes Allie's father Luke. If that's what you were asking, then no, I don't think she should see her daughter that often. I think the priviledge should be taken away until the mother learns to control herself. Then she should be allowed to visit under the supervison of a court official. If the mother stops abusing the father, then she should be able to see the daughter unsupervised, but supervision should be immediately resumed if the abuse continues. Not only is it not fair to the father, but it also has a very lasting and very negative affect on the daughter. I don't know how old the daughter is in this case, but no one should witness abuse of their father/mother, especially if it's done by the other parent. That's teaching someone that abusing your spouse is okay, and they will more than likely do the same to their spouse later on in life. Good luck!

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Yes, a weekend should be a break for kids at school because of all the stress and hard work they put into school.

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$120.00 iPod Nano

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Is it legal to leave your 15 year old daughter by herself for the weekend?

Generally, no. The child should be under the supervision of an adult.

What is the etiquette for dating your daughter-in-law's father?

The etiquette for dating your daughter-in-law's father would be no different from that for dating the father of your son's girl friend. Whatever works for the tow of you should be fine.

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No, mothers are not supposed to do their daughter's homework for them. Homework is an opportunity for the daughter to learn and demonstrate her understanding of the material. By doing the homework for her, the mother would be depriving her daughter of this learning experience and potentially hindering her academic growth.

You are a father and you shower with your daughter she is only 28 months should you not do that or when is it the age you should not shower with her?

no you weirdo