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It has been maintained in the media, based on reports from state politicians, that most fathers refuse to pay child support, and that the over 90% of children are on Welfare because of this. The problem with these two beliefs are they are both false.

First, before even looking at how many children are on Welfare because their fathers aren't paying child support, one might take note of Census Bureau stats that shows 20% of children on Welfare are a part of INTACT FAMILIES, where the parents do not have the training for good paying jobs, or are disable due to injury or illness. How do you get 90% when 20% have their fathers and mothers living with them? From there, I give you, Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement.

At a Conference for the Children's Rights Council,he stated that a majority of fathers paid their Court Ordered regularly. In the latest Censusreport for 2005, it's 77.4%. Soon after making that comment, he was replaced. How could the head of the agency that oversees all Child Support Enforcementprograms in the nation make a statement that so contradicts the media reports? Because he had access to the real facts, though they were politically incorrect.

So, how does a father get $80,000 or more behind in child support, if he's making his payments? There can be a few causes.

  • He may have been paying all along, but voluntarily, and without a court. Meanwhile, the mother is collecting Welfare, without telling them that not only does she know who and where the father is, but also that she's been getting child support from him. When push comes to shove, and she does identify him, they go after him for retroactive child support instead of punishing her for not reporting it. Anything he's given her is considered a gift.
  • He's paying child support, but irritates her in some manner, than she files for retroactive child support, in the same manner Welfare does.
  • In 1995, a Navy Commander was cashing a check (not many ATMs back than) and found the Family Checking, as well as Saving Accounts frozen. When he asked why, he was told it was by order of Child Support Enforcementbecause he owed $85,000 in child support arrears. The bank teller calls him a deadbeat dad.
Now the problem with that is he's married with four boys at home, so there has to be a mistake, and they have the wrong person. They didn't. He learned he had a 16-year-old daughter by a woman he had dated back in college. He remembered that she had suddenly quit school, moved back home with her parents, and refused to talk to him ever again, so he gave up, and got on with his life. Now, 16 years later, he learns that he has daughter, and wants support for the whole time period in between, plus interest.

His appeals cost him over $25,000, only to lose. That had already drained the family savings, his retirement fund, the boys college funds, and taken the family home. He had to move his family into a two-bedroom apartment on base and his wife had to go to work to pay bills that he could no longer pay because 55% of his gross income has been attached to pay any remaining balance owed. To add insult to injury, 20% of his wife's income, was also added to the calculations for child support. The total of arrears was based on a two-year average income, and not what he earned each of those 16 years.

  • On a worse case scenario, a divorcing Michiganfather filed for custody of his 15-year-old daughter. It was denied when the mother showed that he was not the father of the girl. But, this prevented her from getting child support from him. As a result, she had to file against the bio-dad, and under Michigan law, you can wait up to 23-years to file for retroactive child support. She was awarded 15-years retroactive child support, despite the fact that her husband had supported the child for all those years. The order was upheld on appeal, despite this, and the fact that she had got pregnant when she was molesting him at age 11. He was ordered to pay for getting an adult woman pregnant.

Judge Ross cited this case in a summary opposing retroactive child support awards, which may have affected his decision to finally resign his position.

Going by news reports, quoting self serving politicians, on child support, is never a good way to get the fact on this issue. The states get 15% in Federal Matching Funds for all child support owed, so it is in their best interest to inflate the numbers. In states like Missouri, death is not considered justification for not paying child support, so arrears continue to accumulate and are shown as owed. Missouri law requires fathers to carry insurance to cover the payments in the event of death, but when money gets tight, the insurance is not kept up.

One final thought . All levels of government are notoriously for their poor accounting habit. Florida often claims it never received the child support collected by another state and sent to them. As a result, they claim they are owed it by a deadbeat dad.

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Q: Deadbeat Dads-Why do so many fathers have so much in unpaid child support?
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Coulda mother claim child support at fathers death 50 years later?

She could file a claim against the estate for the unpaid balance, if any, of support that accrued while the children were minors. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

How do you forgive child support debt after child support is stopped?

Only the courts can forgive unpaid support. And only that not owed the state directly due to the mother being on Welfare at some point.

When does a custodial parents claim to child support end and the child takes over?

The child never "takes over." The CP has a claim to any and all unpaid child support (except for amounts owed to the State as reimbursement for assistance issued) until it's paid.

Why is the state of Florida such a dead beat state for dead beat dads?

I remember in the 70's many 'run away' fathers going to Florida to avoid paying child support, but dont remember why. Was Florida not prosecuting out of state warrants at the time for this? Can anyone help my memory? Ann Florida has cut funding to their child support enforcement division and also laid off a number of people as well and what was difficult is now near impossible. There is however a company that is helping people collect unpaid child support. they helped me and I am trying to tell as many people as I can. They are nationwide. The woman I worked with was April and her number is 407-616-0637. good luck to everyone.

If non custodial parent is required to pay child support and quits her job and is applying for disability what happens about the money she owes?

Payments continue to accrue in accordance with the language of the court order until/unless the courts enter an order terminating or modifying support. The State child support agency has the authority to take various actions to collect the unpaid balance.

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Coulda mother claim child support at fathers death 50 years later?

She could file a claim against the estate for the unpaid balance, if any, of support that accrued while the children were minors. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

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Definitely, you can sue for unpaid loan. Please ensure that you have documents that support you loan and the receiver of loan.

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Debt consolidation schemes are almost never a good idea. Also, keep in mind that there is no statute of limitations on collecting unpaid child support, and unpaid support is not discharged in bankruptcy.

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There is no statute of limitations on unpaid child support.

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No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

Can IRS take your refund for a garnishment?

ONLY for: 1-Unpaid delinquent student loans 2-Prior unpaid taxes 3-Delinquent child support

Can you in list with unpaid child support?

If you mean, "enlist," - yes, but military service doesn't relieve you of your child support obligation.

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The will cannot be challenged; however, the State's child support agency may file a claim on the estate.

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While there is no statue of limitation for collecting court ordered unpaid back child support, there is for unordered support...the age of 21 of the dependent child. The child at the age of 18 may sue the noncustodial parent for unpaid support that was not ordered by the courts. This has been done at least twice.

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Support that was unpaid at the time of closure is still owed.

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It's an instruction to law enforcement to arrest you.

When is unpaid child support a felony in Colorado?

When it reaches $5000, which in itself is a violation of the US Constitution.