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speech about foob habits among youth

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Q: Debate speech bad food habit's of todays youth leads to an unhealthy lifestyle in the future. please help?
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Which diseaes caused by inbalanced diet?

Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, Gout, Cancer... Lifestyle diseases are so named as they are cause by our unhealthy habits. Http://

What consequences must teengers face when they eat fastfood?

heavy set unhealthy lifestyle. As they grow it will carry (the weight) with them if they do not change their eating habits during puberty.

What is the definition of unhealthy lifestyle?

An unhealthy lifestyle is a lifestyle being lived that is a threat to the person living it whether it be long term or short term. For example, someone who has bad lungs who smokes. That is an unhealthy lifestyle to live because in the long run it can have dramatic even fatal effects. Some other examples could be other bad habits that effect one mentally such as gambling, one night stands, or being verbally or physically abusive to one, or taking in to much verbal or physical abuse without seeking help.

What is an unhealthy lifestlye?

An unhealthy lifestyle is a lifestyle being lived that is a threat to the person living it whether it be long term or short term. For example, someone who has bad lungs who smokes. That is an unhealthy lifestyle to live because in the long run it can have dramatic even fatal effects. Some other examples could be other bad habits that effect one mentally such as gambling, one night stands, or being verbally or physically abusive to one, or taking in to much verbal or physical abuse without seeking help.

What are some of the effects of unhealthy lifestyle?

some of the effects of a unhealthy life style are ..problems with your eating habits,for example eating unhealthy food'sthe chances of getting sick more oftenbeing an example for your children ,if your kids see you eating unhealthy foods they would also want to eat unhealthy foodsbeing over weighthaving problems with heart and or lungs ?these are some problems in the unhealthy life style =( thanks

Is obesity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits?

When you are not active and choose to sit on your butt all day, you can easily become obese. Make sense?

How can I lower my LDL levels?

This is considered your "Bad cholesterol." By decreasing unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol your LDL will decrease. Also, consider applying a diet and daily exercise to your current lifestyle.

What are unhealthy eating habits?

Some unhealthy eating habits include eating a lot of sugary foods and also eating a lot of fatty foods. It is also unhealthy to not eat a decent amount of fresh fruit or vegetables daily.

How can peer pressure and unhealthy eating affect your heart?

When a child is influence into the wrong habits, these habits build pressure in him, especially when it has to do with avoiding the police. Same effet as eating unhealthy

Lifestyle and personal habits of thomas paine?

Thomas Paine lived the lifestyle of a merchant. His personal habits aren't well known, but he was an inventor and a writer.

What are the unhealthy habits you need to avoid?

drinking alcoholic, cigaretes

How many unhealthy habits does smoking lead to?

to many to count