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You are never required to give a gift. If you don't go, you MAY send something, but you don't have to. Many people wait and give a gift when the baby is born.

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Q: Decline a baby shower invitation do you still have to send a gift?
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What do I say to regret to a baby shower?

Declining a baby shower invitation should be done properly and delicately. For tips, see the related link below under "How do you decline a baby shower invitation".

How do you respond to baby shower invitation?

You RSVP by either calling or emailing the person hosting the shower. Usually the invitation will tell how to RSVP.

How do you word a baby shower invitation when the mother to be wants the baby's name on it?

There are many examples that once can use to find the appropriate wording for baby shower invitations. These includes sites such as Storkie, as well as baby shower blogs and forums.

What is the best websites that have baby shower invitation templates?

There are some great stores to get the perfect baby shower invitation templates to fit any style. Go to websites like tinyprint, baby cards now and invitationland.

What to say in respond to a baby shower invitation if you are unable to attend?

It is etiquette to telephone the person having the Baby Shower and letting them the truth as to why you cannot attend and congratulate them and let them know you are still sending a gift and card.

Do you send a baby shower invitation to friends and family who live out of town and can't make the shower?

Sure you can.

Are there templates online for baby shower invitations? has free templates that you can use for the baby shower. has online templates also that you can use and they are free.

What percent of guest will decline baby shower invitation?

It can vary widely based on timing, circumstances, and who is on your baby shower's guest list. If you have a higher percentage of out-of-towners or people from out of state, then more of them may decline your invitation. More people will also decline an invitation around major holidays or vacation months because they've already accepted an invite to another event or because your shower conflicts with their plans. In tough economic times, the acceptance rate may be lower than in more properous times. People tend to decline invitations that are mailed out too late, typically less than two weeks before the party is to be held, because they will not have had enough notice. For planning purposes, when you mail out your baby shower invitations, it is recommended that you include a request to RSVP or to reply with regrets only. Be sure to also give a date as to when you'd like their reply. That way, you won't have to guess how many of your guests will be coming to the party.

What does regret on a shower invite mean?

The word 'regret' on a baby shower invitation simply means the person is sorry they cannot make the baby shower for reasons they may have given you.

What does regret mean on a baby shower invitation?

If it says 'Regrets Only' then you only RSVP if you can't go. So if you can go you are not required to tell the host anything.

Why are Baby Shower invitation templates special?

Having a baby is an important event in someone's life. And many people want to have an invitation that is related to the event. By doing this people will realize that they are being invited to a baby shower when they first glance at it. Using a special template meant for a baby shower also shows the mom to be that you care about her event and are excited that she is expecting a baby.

How do you regret a baby shower invitation?

ID1110000304's answer: I would say a white lie. Something like I'm really busy that day or you can just tell the truth. Baby Cachet's answer: Declining a baby shower invitation can be tricky, but can also be done properly and with grace. Typically, the goal is to decline in such a way as to not hurt the host's feelings and to not jeopardize your chances of getting another invitation in the future. For most situations, the following tips should help ease the process of declining an invitation: * Respond in kind. If the invitation was extended to you through an invitation card by mail, then you should decline via a card by mail, usually by mailing the enclosed response card. Likewise, if you were invited over the phone, then you should also decline by phone. Exception: If the invitation by mail specifies a RSVP phone or email, then it is acceptable to decline by phone or email even though you received a paper invitation. * Decline as soon as you can. If you're sure that you won't be able to attend, let the hostess know before the RSVP deadline so that she can make planning adjustments. It wouldn't be nice or proper to wait until the last minute and say that "something came up". * Show that you appreciate the invitation. It's important to express how much it means to you that the hostess thought of inviting you. This will go a long way in ensuring that she'll think of you again when the next party comes. * Be as honest as you can without being hurtful. Give as truthful a reason as you can as to why you won't be able to attend. "I have [an event] already planned for that day", "I have to work", "I'll be traveling that week". * Keep it short and sweet. You want to remain as truthful as you can without giving too much details or embellishments. It's easy to say too much and stray away from the true reason why you're declining. * Send a gift anyways. If you have a weak excuse or feel badly about rejecting an invitation (maybe you had to accept another invitation over this one), a great way to make up for it is to send a gift to the hostess or guest of honor in your absence. The gift can be a token gift (bouquet of flowers, a cake, etc.) with a note to express your regret.