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There are many foods you could eat to decrease your risk of developing Heart disease such as Cheerios. You could also exercise to reduce your risk.

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Q: Decreases your risk of developing heart disease?
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Decreases your risk of developing heart disease

. Unsaturated fat Decreases your risk of developing heart disease?

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Heart Disease Is Not Just a Man's Problem?

Although it is thought that heart disease is only a man's problem, millions of women develop this disease. According to studies, heart disease is the most prevalent cause of mortality and a leading cause of disability for American women. As a woman ages, her risk for developing heart disease increases. In fact, a postmenopausal woman's risk of developing heart disease is equal to that of a man. However, women of all ages should take steps to avoid heart disease. Minimize your risk for heart disease by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

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25 to 30 %

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