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There is really no such thing, if you wanted a conservative answer. Psychologically speaking, this answer has been addressed by Kohlberg's (stages of moral development) but whether these stages are true is open to lots of debate. Its rather outdated, this sort of theory, really. Philosophically speaking, you can't really ask about stages of moral development without defining what morality is in the first place. What follows is really how children develop to follow rules, from Kohlberg's theory, which is the best that you will get:

Level 1 (Pre-Conventional) : :: 1. Obedience and punishment orientation ::: :::: (How can I avoid punishment?) :: 2. Self-interest orientation ::: :::: (What's in it for me?) : Level 2 (Conventional) : :: ::: 3. Interpersonal accord and conformity :::: ::::: (The good boy/good girl attitude) ::: 4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation :::: ::::: (Law and order morality) : Level 3 (Post-Conventional) : :: ::: 5. Social contract orientation ::: 6. Universal ethical principles :::: ::::: (Principled conscience) (source: wikipedia)

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5d ago
  1. Infancy and Early Childhood: Children begin to differentiate between right and wrong based on consequences and actions of authority figures.

  2. Middle Childhood: Children start to understand moral principles such as fairness, justice, and empathy, and they may develop a sense of guilt for their actions.

  3. Adolescence: Moral development becomes more complex as teenagers begin to think abstractly about ethical dilemmas and consider societal norms and values. They may also question and challenge established moral beliefs.

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Discuss the stages of development as per Marx and Engels?

Marx and Engels identified five stages of development in their theory of historical materialism: Primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, and communism. They believed that each stage represented a particular mode of production, with class struggles driving the transition from one stage to the next. According to Marx and Engels, capitalism would eventually give way to communism, where private ownership of the means of production would be abolished, leading to a classless society.

What criteria do psychologists use in defining a person's stage in development?

Psychologists typically use criteria related to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional milestones to define a person's stage in development. This may involve assessing things like language acquisition, problem-solving abilities, social interactions, and emotional regulation. Developmental theories such as Piaget's stages of cognitive development or Erikson's psychosocial stages can also be used to identify where an individual may fall within the developmental continuum.

What are Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning?

Kohlberg's stages of moral development include pre-conventional morality (focused on self-interest and punishment avoidance), conventional morality (focused on social conformity and maintaining relationships), and post-conventional morality (focused on universal ethical principles and individual rights). Individuals progress through these stages as they mature, with higher stages reflecting more complex and principled moral reasoning.

What are 6 stage of moral development and the post conventional level of moral development?

The six stages of moral development, as proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg, are: 1) Obedience and punishment orientation, 2) Individualism and exchange, 3) Interpersonal relationships, 4) Maintaining social order, 5) Social contract and individual rights, and 6) Universal principles. The post-conventional level of moral development involves stages 5 and 6, where individuals develop their own ethical principles based on justice, human rights, and ethical principles that may transcend societal norms.

What are Stages in development of Filipino value formation?

The stages in the development of Filipino value formation include early childhood, where values are primarily acquired through family and community interactions; adolescence, where peers and media also influence values; young adulthood, where education and work experiences shape values; and finally, mature adulthood, where personal reflection and life events further refine one's values.

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Where can someone find information on the different stages of babies to kids?

One may find information on the different stages of babies to kids from WebMD. They have many articles on the different stages of child development for parents.

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An organism in the early stages of its development is an embryo.

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Marx and Engels identified five stages of development in their theory of historical materialism: Primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, and communism. They believed that each stage represented a particular mode of production, with class struggles driving the transition from one stage to the next. According to Marx and Engels, capitalism would eventually give way to communism, where private ownership of the means of production would be abolished, leading to a classless society.

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