

Define the range of INT variable?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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Q: Define the range of INT variable?
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Can an short value be assigned to int variable?

Yes, but you may cause truncation error because the short variable does not necessarily have the same range as an int variable. Most modern compilers will flag this as a warning. If you know that the value of the int variable will not exceed the range of a short variable, you can explicitly prevent the warning with a typecast, i.e. someShort = (short) someInt; and the compiler will assume that you know what you are doing.

How do you create an static int as an instance variable?

You create a static integer as an instance variable by declaring it in a class using a statement that consists of the privacy level, then the keywords "static" and "int", and finally, the name of the variable. For example:public class TheAnswerIsHere {public static int example = 0;}will define an int example with initial value 0. The variable is accessed through the statement TheAnswerIsHere.example.

What is Variable declaration and variable initialization?

...are important things in programming. Example: extern int variable; /* declaration */ int variable= 8; /* definition with initialization */

What is a field in java?

A field is an attribute. A field may be a class's variable, an object's variable, an object's method's variable, or a parameter of a function. class bike{ static int bikes;int gear;int cadence; void create( int newGear, int newCadence ){bikes = bikes + 1;gear = newGear; cadence = newCadence;} int getSpeed(){int speed = gear*cadence*5*3.141;return speed;}} 'bikes' is a class's variable (class variable) (static field). 'gear' and 'cadence' could be an object's variables (instance variables) (non-static fields). 'speed' is an object's method's variable (local variable). 'newGear' and 'newCadence' are parameters of a function (parameters). Refer to related links section

What is the valid range of numbers for int type of data?

The valid range of numbers for int is 32768 to 32767.

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Define a variable and give an example?

int x; "Example"

Why extern long int var is a declaration?

Because it doesn't define the variable. If you want to define it, simply write: long int var;

Can an short value be assigned to int variable?

Yes, but you may cause truncation error because the short variable does not necessarily have the same range as an int variable. Most modern compilers will flag this as a warning. If you know that the value of the int variable will not exceed the range of a short variable, you can explicitly prevent the warning with a typecast, i.e. someShort = (short) someInt; and the compiler will assume that you know what you are doing.

How do you create an static int as an instance variable?

You create a static integer as an instance variable by declaring it in a class using a statement that consists of the privacy level, then the keywords "static" and "int", and finally, the name of the variable. For example:public class TheAnswerIsHere {public static int example = 0;}will define an int example with initial value 0. The variable is accessed through the statement TheAnswerIsHere.example.

What is static variable and how it is declared?

static variables are declared to define a variable as a constant., means if you declare a variable as static the variable becomes costant.syntaxstatic int a=100;this will make the value of a as 100 which is not to be changedWell, no; you think of 'const', which can be used together with static, but not necessarily.Yes you are right bro I was confused it should be const int a=100; then the variable will be a constant.

What is Variable declaration and variable initialization?

...are important things in programming. Example: extern int variable; /* declaration */ int variable= 8; /* definition with initialization */

How do you write a program to illustrate the concept of extern variable?

In order to use extern you have to have at least two files. In first one, let's call it file1.cpp, you will define a variable using extern (in this case belongs to int):...extern int myVar = 0;...Then in file2.cpp file where you have main() you need to write following:extern int myVar;Do not initialize the variable in file2.cpp, or you code will not compile.

How you can declare local variable?

variable exit within a function and curly braces is local variable int main() { int x; }

What is the difference between Variable and Data Type of Variable?

Let's look at an example. int a = 1; Here our variable is 'a' which is of type 'int'

What is Variable Scope?

The scope of a variable is the range, or area, in which a variable exists. // this c is global and can be referenced from anywhere int c = 1; void foo() { // this c is local to function foo and can't be referenced from the outside int c = 2; } void bar() { // if we try to reference c here, we get the value 1 from the global variable }

How do you define a variable?

I define an variable by saying x- an value

Define pointer to pointer in c?

Double (**) is used to denote the double pointer. As we know the pointer stores the address of variable, Double pointer stores the address of any pointer variable. Declaration : int **ptr2Ptr;