

Definition of electromagnetic wave magnetic field?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, which can be macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits

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Q: Definition of electromagnetic wave magnetic field?
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Can electromagnetic wave deflect by electric or magnetic field?

No. An electromagnetic wave IS electric and magnetic fields.

What are parts of an electromagnetic wave?

Electric field and magnetic field

What does electromagnetic waves means?

An electromagnetic wave, in its simplest description, is a wave that as it propagates keeps converting its magnetic field into an electric field while converting its electric field into a magnetic field.

Why is a vibrating electric field an example of an electromagnetic wave?

The changing electric field will produce a magnetic field; the changing magnetic field will cause an electric field; both will propagate as a wave - an electro-magnetic wave.

What is in a vibrating electric and a magnetic field?

they both have a Electromagnetic wave.

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No, it is an electromagnetic wave containing electric field component and a magnetic field component.

How do electromagnet waves that have electric and magnetic fields travel?

We understand that electromagnetic waves have both an electric and a magnetic component. Each component is a wave, and each wave is perpendicular to the other and is in phase. perpendicular to the direction of the wave

Which waves have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties?

The answer is electromagnetic waves.

Why an electromagnetic wave is able to produce both an electric field and a magnetic field because?

The question founders on the rocks of a chicken/egg conundrum. The presence of both an electric field and a magnetic field is required in order to produce an electromagnetic wave.

Composition of an electrormagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave is composed of two parts. One is the magnetic field and the other is the electric field.

How is an electromagnet wave generated?

We produce electric field and magnetic field. If we change the electric field with time (so magnetic field alse change), required frequency, then we produce electromagnetic wave.

How do electric and magnetic field interact in an electromagnetic wave?

They both use electromagnetism.