

Demotic on the Rosetta stone

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Napolenon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1798. He bought many scholars and archaeologists with him. In 1799 a French soldier discovered a stone in the town of Rosetta. It was a slab of granite like rock with the same message crafted on it in three different scripts. The discovery of the stone, called Rosetta Stone, meant that hieroglyphics could be translated.

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Q: Demotic on the Rosetta stone
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Which3 langueges are the Rosetta stone?

ancient egypt, demotic ,and, greek

What names did Jean-Francois Champollion find on the Rosetta stone?

Champollion found Hieroglyphics, Greek, and Demotic writing on the Rosetta Stone

What were the three languges on the Rosetta stone?

ancient Greek, hieroglyphics, and demotic (Egyptian)

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Thomas Young

What was Rosetta stone useful for?

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it Egyptian and Greek, using hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek scripts. The hieroglyphic was the script used for important or religious documents. Demotic was the common script of Egypt and Greek the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time.

Where is the rossetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone is not a person, it is an ancient stone with three different scripts written on it in Egyptian and Greek. The scripts are hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek. There is also a language teaching software called Rosetta Stone.

What were the three languages on the Rosetta Stone?

There are two languages on the Rosetta Stone 1) # Greek and 2) Egyptian in two scripts # Demotic, used in everyday writing and # Hieroglyphs, what you see all over the temples. For more information, see 'Related links' below this box.

How many languages were found on the Rosetta stone?

Three. Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Egyptian Demotic Script and Koine Greek.

What are the 3 scripts on the Rosetta Stone?

the three scripts are hieroglyphic, demotic and classical

What languaged were on the Rosetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it in two languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). The Rosetta Stone is written in three scripts because when it was written, there were three scripts being used in Egypt. The first was hieroglyphic which was the script used for important or religious documents. The second was demotic which was the common script of Egypt. The third was Greek which was the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time. The Rosetta Stone was written in all three scripts so that the priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said.

What is hieroglyphic Egyptian stone tablets?

The Rosetta Stone. While the Rosetta Stone did have Hieroglyphics on it, it also had the same passage inscribed in the Demotic and Classical Greek languages. This helped Young and Champollion in their translations of the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone. A stone slab with just Hieroglyphics would be called a stele. Steles or stelae can be found worldwide, not just in Egypt.