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Q: Describe a compression and a rarefaction of a sound wave travelin?
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What of a sound wave is the distance between a compression or rarefaction and the next compression or rarefaction?

It is equal to wavelength.

Rarefaction occurs only in?

Rarefaction only occurs in a longitudinal wave. Rarefaction is the reduction of the density of a medium. It is the opposite of compression.

The propagation of sound waves in gas involves?

Adiabatic compression & rarefaction.

What is the section where a sound wave spreads apart?

It's called the rarefaction (as opposed to the compression)

How are longitudinal waves used in communication?

All sound waves are longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves.

What is rare faction of sound wave?

A rare faction is an area of a sound wave where there is lesser compression of the medium,ie Rarefaction is the reduction of a medium's density, or the opposite of compression

Area in which sound waves are pushed together?

This question is misguided. It is not the sound waves which are apart, but the particles of the medium. A place where the particles are further apart is called a rarefaction. Where they are crowded together is called a compression.

What is a dense zone of moleculesproduced by a sound wave?

It is referred to as a compression. The non-dense zone with few molecules is referred to as a rarefaction.

Are surface waves compression waves?

No. surface waves on the surface of water is transverse in nature. It has crests and troughs. Compression and rarefaction will be in longitudinal wave. example sound waves.

The less dense region of a compression wave is called?

The less dense areas created as a sound wave propagates are called rarefactions.

How do you measure the wavelength of sound?

distance from any point on the wave to the corresponding point beyond the next wavelength, i.e. crest to crest, trough to trough, or because you are talking about sound, the distance from compression to corresponding compression after the rarefaction.

What is the area of compression and rarefaction?

Compression is a Pushing Force whereas Rarefaction is a Pulling Force[Compression is the point when the most force is being applied to a molecule&Rarefaction is the point when the least force is applied].Compression happens when particles are forced/pressed together.Rarefaction is just the opposite,it occurs when particles are given extra space&allowed to expand.Compression&Rarefaction are Effects the wave causes.If you look at any normal visual representation of a Sound Wave,the humps above the middle line are called Compressions,the humps below are called Rarefactions.