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Technetium is an artificially produced radioactive chemical element (Symbol Tc). It is produced by nuclear fission.

It is used to make iron and steel corrosion-resistant.

One of its isotopes, Technetium-99m, is very useful in hospital radioactive tests and diagnostic nuclear medicine because of its short half-life (6.01 hours).

It was Dmitri Mendeleev who predicted that the missing element in the Periodic Table would be chemically similar to manganese. And he was right. Manganese appears in the periodic table right above technetium, and the two transitional metals have similar chemical properties. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on technetium.

The element technetium is an "artificial" element. This odd metal has no stable isotopes, so any that existed on earth long ago has decayed and vanished. It was created in experiments in the Berkeley cyclotron facility, but was isolated by a pair of Italian scientists who isolated it from materials sent them from the California facility.

Today Technetium is used in making nuclear fuel. It is also a filament for many energy saving light bulbs. Technetium will hopefully be a future replacement for many gas fueled engines such as trains.

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3w ago

Technetium-99m is widely used in nuclear medicine for imaging and diagnosing various medical conditions such as Heart disease, cancer, and infections. It emits gamma rays that can be detected externally by imaging equipment to create detailed pictures of organs and tissues in the body. Technetium-99m has properties that make it ideal for medical use, including a short half-life and the ability to bind to specific target molecules for imaging purposes.

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9y ago

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.
Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation.

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What are three important uses of technetium?

Technetium-99m is used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic imaging procedures, such as bone scans and cardiac stress tests. Technetium-99m is also used in industrial radiography for detecting flaws in metal components. Technetium-99m can be used to label pharmaceuticals for research and development purposes.

What are the three importance of technetium?

Technetium is used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic imaging procedures. It can be used as a tracer in environmental studies to track the movement of materials in various systems. Technetium compounds have potential applications in catalysis and electronic devices.

What is the symbol of technetium?

The symbol for technetium is Tc. It is a synthetic element with the atomic number 43. Technetium is commonly used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic imaging.

Is technetium used in jewelry?

No, technetium is not used in jewelry. It is a radioactive element and is primarily used in scientific research, nuclear medicine, and certain industrial applications but not in jewelry-making due to its radioactivity.

What is the difference between technetium-99m and technetium-99?

Technetium-99m is a metastable nuclear isomer of technetium-99. Technetium-99m is commonly used in medical imaging due to its short half-life and ability to emit gamma rays, while technetium-99 is a radioactive isotope with a longer half-life that is used for various medical and industrial applications, such as in radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine.

Related questions

How is the element technetium used today in baseball bats?

Technetium is not used in baseball bats.

Is technetium used in the body?

Technetium is not used by the human body.

What is technetium used for today?

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What can you do with technetium?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What was technetium used for?

Technetium-99m is used as tracer in medicine and as beta-emitter standard source.

What was technetium used as in earlier days?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What are all products that uses technetium?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic (many radiopharmaceuticals contain Tc).Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What the some uses for technetium?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What problems can technetium solve?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What elements react with technetium?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What is technetium 99 use for?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

What is the use of the element technetium?

Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation. Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.