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describe the body's mechanisms for controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress conditions

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Q: Describe the body mechanism for controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress controlling?
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Describe the body's mechanisms for controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress conditions.?

Describe the body's mechanisms for controlling blood glucose levels under normal and stress conditions.?

Describe the body mechanisms for controlling the blood glucose levels under the normal stress conditions?

la la la

What hormone is involved in blood glucose regulation?

There are two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. One is insulin. This horemone "carries" glucose into the cell. No glucose and the cell starves and the glucose levels get higher in the blood. The second hormone takes glucose out of liver storage and increases the glucose in the blood. These two are a feedback mechanism that keeps the levels in a normal range.

Which part of the endocrine system is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels and glucose metabolism throughout the body?

pancreatic islets

Describe how hexokinase works?

It can work maximally at low glucose concentrations (fasting levels of glucose are 3-5mM) so that it is always working at vmax

Why is insulin associated with the maintenance of blood glucose levels?

The pancreas releases insulin to lower the level of glucose in blood, and on the other hand, for the balance, it also secretes glucagon to elevate the level of glucose. Insulin is one half of the balance mechanism for glucose levels. Too much and too little glucose has damaging effects on the body and it's cells.

What hormone reduces blood glucose levels and what hormone raises blood glucose levels?

Glucagon is the hormone that raises blood glucose levels.

What is the feedback mechanism of insulin?

An increase in blood sugar levels cause the release of the hormone insulin by the pancreas. Insulin then lowers this blood sugar level restoring it to original non-lethal blood glucose levels.

Which hormone will increase blood glucose levels?

Glucagon is catabolic and increases blood glucose levels, insulin is anabolic decreases blood glucose levels.

How does the hormone regulates blood glucose levels?

The hormone that regulates blood glucose levels is insulin plus a second hormone, glucagon. Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and glucagon increases blood glucose levels. Insulin actually carries the glucose molecule across the cell membrane. That is how it actually lowers the glucose molecules in the blood. Glucagon causes the liver, which stores glycogen, to convert it to glucose which is released in the blood. These two hormones form a feedback mechanism which keeps glucose stable.

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What effect does cortisol have on glucose levels in blood?

Cortisol release can increase blood glucose levels.