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it decreases

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5d ago

When you toss a ball upward, your body applies kinetic energy to the ball, giving it potential energy as it rises. As the ball falls back down, its potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy, leading to a decrease in potential energy and an increase in kinetic energy until it reaches the ground.

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Q: Describe the energy transformations that occur when you toss a ball upward and it falls?
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What type of energy is it when you throw a ball upward and it falls?

The ball has both potential energy when it is thrown upward (due to its position) and kinetic energy when it falls (due to its motion). As it falls, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

What is the energy transformation that occurs when you toss a fall upward and it falls?

When you toss a ball upward, the initial energy transformation is from mechanical energy (kinetic energy) to potential energy as the ball gains height. As the ball falls back down, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as it accelerates towards the ground.

When an object falls freely the kinetic energy of the object will?

increase as it falls due to the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.

What are the energy transformations in waterfalls?

In a waterfall, potential energy from the water at a higher elevation is converted into kinetic energy as the water falls. This kinetic energy can then be harnessed to do work, such as generating electricity through hydroelectric power plants.

Energy transformations for a falling parachute?

As a parachute falls, its gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is then dissipated through air resistance, resulting in the transformation of kinetic energy into thermal energy and sound. Overall, the energy transformations involve potential energy being converted into kinetic energy, then dissipated as thermal energy and sound.

What energy transformations occur in a waterfall?

In a waterfall, the potential energy of the water at a higher elevation is transformed into kinetic energy as it falls. This kinetic energy can then be converted into electrical energy if a hydroelectric generator is present at the base of the waterfall, harnessing the energy of the flowing water to produce electricity.

What happens to the energy of a ball thrown upward?

The energy of a ball thrown upward primarily converts between potential energy and kinetic energy. As the ball gains height, its potential energy increases while its kinetic energy decreases. At the top of its trajectory, all of the energy is in the form of potential energy, and as it falls back down, potential energy converts back into kinetic energy.

Does a falling objects thermal energy change to kinetic energy?

Yes, I believe so. As it gains upward momentum it is using thermal energy, and when it stops, and falls with gravity back to earth it is using kinetic energy. I think that's right.

When you throw an apple and a leaf on the ground the apple falls first Why?

The leaf does not fall straight down. It falls slowly because of air resistance. The air provides upward force. The upward force on the apple is negligible.

How you can trafer the energy from when the ball is thrown to when the ball reaches the highest height and finally as the ball falls down to the ground?

When the ball is thrown, energy is transferred from the person's muscles to the ball, giving it kinetic energy. As the ball reaches the highest height, this kinetic energy is converted into potential energy due to the upward motion against gravity. When the ball falls back down, this potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the ball accelerates downward due to gravity.

What are the main energy transformations that take place as the piano hits the ground?

When the piano hits the ground, the potential energy stored in the piano due to its height above the ground is converted into kinetic energy as it falls. Upon impact, some of this kinetic energy is transformed into sound energy as the piano vibrates and produces sound waves, and the rest is dissipated as heat and sound energy due to the impact and friction.

What energy transformations occur in a fan?

In a fan, electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy to turn the blades, which then move air, transferring some of the mechanical energy into kinetic energy of the moving air. Friction and air resistance also convert some energy into heat.