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Q: What type of energy is it when you throw a ball upward and it falls?
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Describe the energy transformations that occur when you toss a ball upward and it falls?

it decreases

When you throw a ball potential energy becomes?

kenetic energy

What is the energy in an object about to fall?

the energy in an object about to fall is potential energy then kinetic energy because when the object is not falling, it has potential energy but when it's actually falling, it has kinetic energy.

Do you experience impulse when you throw a ball?

Yes, when you throw a ball, you do experience an impulse. This is because you use force to exchange kinetic energy with the ball.

How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you?

You must throw the ball upward because of gravity, you have gravity forcing the ball downward as you push the ball with force upward, and as they say what goes up must come down, which in the end results to the ball coming down towards you.

Jose tossed a ball upward in the air after a while the ball falls downwardwhat makes it move fast as it approaches he ground?

Gravitational pull.

How does potential energy in a ball changed to kinetic energy?

Potential energy is stationary object while if that object is in motion then it is said that that now that object posseses kinetic energy. so if that ball is on table it posses p.e. and if u throw it carries p.e.

Amy is at basketball practice She is about to shoot a free throw When she releases the ball?

the ball will have kinetic energy and potential energy.

Amy is at basketball practice. She is about to shoot a free throw. When Amy releases the ball?

the ball will have kinetic energy and potential energy.

You throw a ball upward with an initial speed of 20 m sec About 4 seconds later the ball returns and you catch it How fast was the ball traveling downward when you caught it?


When a ball falls and hit the ground how does the potencial energy of the ball compare to the ammmount of thermal energy produce?

Most of the potential energy will be converted to thermal energy in this case.

How is energy conserved when you throw a ball into the air and then catch it?

The summation of potential and kinetic energy is constant