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More true breeding white flowered plants.

If the gene combination for white is WW and is dominant

a cross of WW x WW would result in 100% WW (white flowered plants)

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Q: Describe the offspring of a true breeding white flowering plant?
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Why is it important that Mendel began with purebred plant?

The correct term is "true-breeding". What that means is that if he takes his two pea plants with white flowers and breeds them together, he will always get a pea plant with white flowers. Something that is true-breeding for a particular trait is homozygous, i.e. if the allele for red flowers is R and the allele for white flowers is w, then a true-breeding white flowering plant is ww, and true-breeding red flowering plant is RR. If you cross-breed a true-breeding red flowering with a true-breeding white flowering plant, you would get 1/4 of the offspring as true-breeding red flowers, 1/4 of the off-spring as true-breeding white flowers, and 1/2 the offspring as heterozygous (not true-breeding) red flowers - Rw. If you don't start with true-breeding plants - say you start with Rw and ww (a red and a white plant) you get 1/2 the offspring heterozygous red, and 1/2 true-breeding white. Thus if you didn't know anymore, you would assume that half the time when you breed a red and a white plant, you would get a red plant, and half the time a white, which is incorrect. Furthermore, if you conducted the experiment again, say with RR and Rw, you would get a different result (in this case, all red). By starting with plants that are true-breeding, you ensure that you get the same results that properly show how the traits are passed on.

What plant produces offspring's with the same trait as the parents?

answer: true breeding plant

A plant the always produces offspring with the same trait as the parent?

a true breeding plant always produces offspring with the same trait as the parent(s).

Why did Gregor Mendel choose to use purebred plants in his experiments?

The correct term is "true-breeding". What that means is that if he takes his two pea plants with white flowers and breeds them together, he will always get a pea plant with white flowers. Something that is true-breeding for a particular trait is homozygous, i.e. if the allele for red flowers is R and the allele for white flowers is w, then a true-breeding white flowering plant is ww, and true-breeding red flowering plant is RR. If you cross-breed a true-breeding red flowering with a true-breeding white flowering plant, you would get 1/4 of the offspring as true-breeding red flowers, 1/4 of the off-spring as true-breeding white flowers, and 1/2 the offspring as heterozygous (not true-breeding) red flowers - Rw. If you don't start with true-breeding plants - say you start with Rw and ww (a red and a white plant) you get 1/2 the offspring heterozygous red, and 1/2 true-breeding white. Thus if you didn't know anymore, you would assume that half the time when you breed a red and a white plant, you would get a red plant, and half the time a white, which is incorrect. Furthermore, if you conducted the experiment again, say with RR and Rw, you would get a different result (in this case, all red). By starting with plants that are true-breeding, you ensure that you get the same results that properly show how the traits are passed on.

You cross a pure-breeding plant with red flowers and a pure -breeding plant with white flowers. All the offspring have red white speckled flowers. what type of allele relationship does this show?

You cross a pure-breeding plant with red flowers and a pure-breeding plant with white flowers. All the offspring have red and white speckled flowers. What type of allele relationship does this show?

When mendel crosses a true-breeding short plant with a true-breeding tall plant all offspring were tall. which term describes the gene for tallness?


When a plant self pollinate and all offspring have the same trait as the parent it is called?

The parent plant is called a true breeding plant.

When a plant self pollinates and all offspring have the same trait as the parent it is called?

The parent plant is called a true breeding plant.

Is wheat a flowering or non flowering plant?

corn is a flowering monocotyledonous plant

Is grass flowering plant or non-flowering plant?

Yes, it is a monocotyledonous flowering plant