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it allows the water cycle to continuously vaporize the water into mist

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Q: Describe the water cycle and the importance of the suns radiant energy in that cycle?
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What type of energy powers the water cycle radiant potential or mechanical?

By the water cycle I think you mean the cycle whereby the sun warms the ocean, causes evaporation, which falls as rain and returns to the ocean by rivers, and so on? It is radiant energy from the sun which powers this cycle.

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i think thermal energy and radiant energyPeAcE

Briefly describe the water cycle and the source of energy that drives it?


Name and describe the stages of a water cycle Where does the energy come from?

Evaporation, Condensation, percipitation, ecumilation. Im not sure how to describe them, Sorry.

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The importance of cardiac cycle is to sustain human life.

What is the major source of energy that powers the movement of water throughout the environment?

The main source of energy in the water cycle is the sun/Solar radiation (sunlight).the source of energy that drives the water cycle is the sun because since the sun's heat makes the water evaporate which will led to the whole process of the water cycle and the process will keep on repeating.The water cycle or hydrologic cycle is driven by both short wave radiation from the sun, and long wave (infrared) radiation from the earth.

How can potential energy can change into energy in other forms?

Well potential energy is energy that can be turned into kinetic energy which is energy with motion. From then on kinetic energy can turn into chemical energy like us, or mechanical that can help machines work and move.

Where does the energy cycle comes from?

Sun is the source of energy. Energy cycle comes from it.

What is the energy source that drives the watre cycle?

The energy source behind the water cycle is solar energy. It is the only energy which initiates water cycle.

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What is the importance of solar energy in the water cycle?

The importance of it is that if the solar sytem get's mixed all up with the whole Water Cycle project or whatever it effects the whole unversie by causing all the volcanos to erup and then there may possibly be an earthquake that will cause it to shake the Earth and then Earth may be tilting alot for the first time