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Q: Descriptive research on reasons for failure of Pillsbury atta in India?
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Why use descriptive research method?

Descriptive research method is useful for providing a detailed snapshot of a situation or phenomenon, such as characteristics, behaviors, or attitudes of a specific group. It helps researchers understand the current state of affairs and identify patterns or trends. This method is valuable for generating hypotheses and informing further research.

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All of the above represent reasons for the failure of the amendment

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Market failure happens because of inefficiency in the allocation of goods and services. Other reasons for market failure include incomplete markets, missing markets, and unstable markets.

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There are many reasons for the failure of community development projects. One of the biggest reasons is the project going over budget. Another is that work on the project does not meet deadlines.

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Reasons for team failure include internal competition, companies' failure to recognize team performance, lack of clear goals or common cause, a team being inappropriate for a situation, and negativity.

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What are the reasons for information system failure?

There is no definitive answer to this question, but there is research to draw upon.