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Q: Desert scrub is found where?
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Can a cacti only be found in the desert?

No, cacti can also be found in grasslands, scrub and even in rain forests.

What is the low scrub growing in the semi-desert areas of Australia?

The low scrub that grows in the semi-desert areas of Australia are called shrubland. Many plants found in this area are tea-treas, boronias, eucalypts, and proteaceae.

How do you use desert scrub in a sentence?

Rabbits and many other animals find shelter and food in desert scrub.

How can the armadillo live in the desert?

Armadillos generally avoid the desert and prefer grasslands or scrub. Only the pink fairy armadillo is found in xeric grasslands of Argentina.

What plants are in the scrub forest?

Xerophytic plants live in the desert scrub.

What animals live in the desert scrub?

Xerophytic plants live in the desert scrub.

What does desert scrub feed on?

Scrub, as do all green plants, produces its own food by photosynthesis.

What jobs are there in the desert scrub?

Doctors, lawyers, carpenters, teachers, secretaries, nurses, retail workers, fast food workers, chefs, cooks, delivery persons, - any occupation found outside the desert can be found inside the desert, with the possible exception of deep sea divers.

Does a roadrunner live in the desert?

Yes, roadrunners live in the desert as well as scrub and grasslands.

What is the natural vegetation in hot desert?


What is tropical thorn scrub?

A tropical thorn scrub is a plant that grows in the desert. It looks like a bush, but when it dries out it can become a tumbleweed and be blown to other parts of the desert.

What is the calliope bird's habitat?

In summer it is normally found in Western North America, in open canopy forests, scrub, brush and thicket. In winter it will be found in Central America in chaparral or desert.