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reaction betwen sodiumbisulphite and hydrogen peroxide

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What kind of reaction is made between hydrogen peroxide and yeast?

Hydrogen Peroxide decomposes in oxygen gas and water.

What is the chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide and K2Cr2O7?

There is no reaction between H2O2 and K2Cr2O7 because both are oxidants.

What plant or animal organelle is involved in the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and liver?


Why does hydrogen peroxide make your gums white?

The white you see is many microscopic bubbles of oxygen released by a reaction between the Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and your saliva.

Is the reaction between between hydrogen peroxide and yeast an endothermic or exothermic reaction?

endothermic because it absorbs energy, and not releasing it

Why do you think no reaction occurs between acidified hydrogen peroxide and halide ions other than iodide?

No reaction occurs between the acidified hydrogen peroxide and the other halide ions, because the hydrogen ions involved in both cases are in the same group. For a reaction to occur it needed to have an element that is more reactive than hydrogen.

The Factors that could have influenced the rating of the chemical reaction between the liver and the hydrogen peroxide is?


What is the comparison of chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide and yeast vs baking soda and vinegar?

When you mix yeast and hydrogen peroxide does the mixture get warmer?

Yes, the mixture does get warmer! It is called an exothermic chemical reaction, which just means it gives off heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction, which means it absorbs heat. The reaction between hydrogen peroxide(C2H2) and yeast produces oxygen. Hope this answers your question!

Would a false positive from the reaction between the inoculating loop and hydrogen peroxide be caused by poor specificity or poor sensitivity of the catalase test system?

The false positive from the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and the inoculating loop would be caused by poor specificity. The formula for specificity is TN/TN+FP.

Would a false positive from the reaction between the inoculation loop and hydrogen peroxide be caused by poor specificity or poor sensitivity of the test system?
