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Second Best, written by D.H. Lawrence, is an episode of "The Prussian Officer and other stories". In this short story, two sisters Anne and Frances met each other after a long period of separation. The author gives us a very detailed description both of the girls and of the surronding common. Frances, the older and nicer, lives in Liverpool and she is coming back to her parent's house for few days. Anne, the younger and wiser, was growing up, a "very buxom" creature who thought the men were "like big dogs". While wandering in the countryside and telling about their last experiences, the two girls came across a mole and Anne killed it without any reason. Frances was astonished but it didn't matter at all.

After few paces, they met Tom Smedley, a friends of them, who was preparing the afternoon feeding for the kettle. He was in love with Frances unless she hadn't allowed him to, because she had tried to have a love affair with another boy, Jimmy Barrass. The latter was engaged with another girls, therefore Frances was looking for "the second best", Tom.

Several critics had tried to figure out why, in many of his stories, D.H. Lawrence express such an anger with everyone and everything. Someone said that it is a way to love or to change his life. Like Frances who wanted to start a new life by choosing Tom as her new boyfriend.

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"D.H. Lawrence's short story 'Second Best' revolves around the themes of familial relationships, sibling rivalry, and the desire for recognition and love. The plot follows an unnamed narrator who competes with his brother for the attention and approval of their father, ultimately leading to a tragic event that illuminates the complexities of human emotions and desires."

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