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There is plenty written on the subject. Bottom line, it can effect your blood sugar levels. A better question should be, if you like the taste of an alcoholic beverage is their a safe alternative. There is and the answer lies in the flavoring. Nutritionists recommend no alcohol flavorings.

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It increases the action of the pancreas which floods the body with even more sugars.

Drinking in moderation will not do permanent harm. Drink responsibly.

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Q: Diabetics and alcohol consumption
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Does alcohol affect sugar levels?

Yes, alcohol has sugar in it and can affect blood sugar levels. Most diabetics are told to avoid alcohol consumption, as it tends to distort blood sugar levels and makes blood sugar control difficult.

What is the independent variable in an experiment designed to investigate the effects of alcohol consumption on memory?

In this experiment, the independent variable would be the amount of alcohol consumed by the participants. Different amounts of alcohol would be administered to different groups to observe the effect on memory.

Will insulin show up as alcohol in a urine test?

No, insulin does not show up as alcohol because this is a prescribed drug for diabetics. Only special needs in a person would get them insulin, or they are just diabetics. Alcohol can be prescribed to almost anyone.

What is the percentage of males consumption of alcohol affect the fetus later in life?

The consumption of alcohol by males has not been shown to be a factor in fetal alcohol syndrome.

Can you drink beer and lower blood sugar?

Perhaps, alcohol will slightly lower glucose levels, but beer has some sugar in it. It is hard to measure in a sense since beer with pretzels is harder on the glucose then beer and a steak. Answer I am a type 1 diabetic and it is a fact that studies have shown alcohol lowers blood sugar. It is best NOT to drink if you are a diabetic however, if you are going to partake, I suggest always eat something that has both a protein and carb together like a sandwich or cheese and crackers when you do.I have found this to be helpful.

Can diabetics eat kosher?

Kashrut, the Jewish dietary laws, govern the preparation and consumption of food for Jew. There is no conflict between kashrut and preparing food for diabetics.

What is alcohol intake?

That's another term for alcohol consumption.

What does not increase the risk of osteoporosis high caffeine consumption smoking low dietary intake of calcium or moderate alcohol consumption?

Moderate alcohol consumption does not increase the risk of osteoporosis. In fact, some studies suggest that moderate alcohol intake may have a protective effect on bone density. However, excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to bone health.

Can diabetics drink rum?

Diabetics should consult their physician before consuming alcohol of any kind, due to possible drug interactions with their medication. The answer is yes, but in moderation. When alcohol is consumed, the liver works hard to remove the excess alcohol from your blood. Because the liver is working on managing the excess alcohol in your blood, the liver's ability to release or produce glucose decreases, causing hypoglycemia. Taking Insulin, and other diabetic medications that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin may further increase the risk for hypoglycemia if alcohol is consumed. 1 1/2 oz of gin is considered one alcoholic drink. And each alcoholic drink counts as 2 servings of a fat exchange.

Who was the preacher who opposed the consumption of alcohol?

Many preachers were and are opposed to the the consumption of alcohol. One of the most famous such preachers was Billy Sunday.

What is depressed during alcohol consumption?

Alcohol depresses brain function.

Can pre-diabetics drink tequila?

No, alcohol throws off your sugar levels.