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Only three of Adam and Eve's children were mentioned by name (Cain, Abel, and Seth), however it is very likely they had many more children than that. Most likely more children than the average married couple would have today.

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Q: Did Adam and Eve have three kids?
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There are three movies that deal directly with Adam and Eve; they are The Bible: In The Beginning, The Sin of Adam And Eve and The Creation: Adam And Eve. There are several movies that have excerpts of the story of Adam and Eve but they are only reference points.

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the Bible states that Adam and Eve had two kids, Cain and Abel, but in reality they probably had some girls after that. The siblings married each other.

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The story of Adam and Eve is told in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

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How did Adam and Eve fall in love?

Adam and Eve were:The only two people in the world, so who else?Eve was made from Adams Rib, so they didn't have to fall in love they were what kids like to call "Soul Mates"

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In Genesis 4, Adam and Chava (Eve) had three sons, whom they named Cayin, Hevel and Shet (Cain, Abel and Seth). They also gave reasons for two of the three names. Other than that, Adam and Eve are not mentioned in Genesis 4.

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According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had three children: Cain, Abel, and Seth. Cain and Abel were the first two children, with Seth born later.

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As of 2011, Adam Gontier does not have any kids.