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They did show resistance and the slaves showed the resistance in many ways. They would fight against their masters and slave owners. But some slave did not want to fight in fear that they might be punished, so instead they showed resistance and did things like:

  • break tools
  • sabotage production of products
  • work slowly
  • fake illness
  • go on strike

and many more.

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4d ago

Yes, African slaves showed various forms of resistance to their enslavement, including running away, sabotaging equipment, forming revolts, and maintaining their cultural traditions despite attempts to erase them. These acts of resistance were often risky and carried severe consequences, but they were crucial in maintaining a sense of agency and dignity.

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Q: Did African slaves show resistance
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Why did the Spanish begin to use African slaves on their plantations?

The Spanish began using African slaves on their plantations due to a shortage of indigenous laborers caused by disease, exploitation, and resistance. African slaves were seen as a more available and cost-effective labor source for colonial agriculture.

What were the Advantages of African slaves over Natives?

Some advantages of African slaves over Native Americans for European colonizers included their resistance to diseases like smallpox, their familiarity with agricultural practices such as rice cultivation, and their perceived ability to withstand harsh working conditions due to their prior exposure to tropical climates.

Colony that turned to disease- resistant African slaves for labor in its extensive rice plantations?

South Carolina adopted the use of disease-resistant West African slaves in its rice plantations. These slaves brought knowledge of rice cultivation, contributing to the success of the rice industry in the region. Their resistance to diseases such as malaria also made them preferable for work in the challenging plantation environments.

Brazil was home to which African colony of runaway slaves?

The African colony of runaway slaves in Brazil was called Quilombo dos Palmares. It was one of the largest and most well-known quilombos in Brazilian history, located in the northeastern state of Alagoas. Quilombo dos Palmares was a symbol of resistance against slavery and colonial oppression.

What was one way African slaves resisted the dehumanizing aspects of slavery?

One way African slaves resisted the dehumanizing aspects of slavery was by maintaining cultural practices, such as music, dance, and storytelling, that helped preserve their identity and sense of community. These cultural expressions served as acts of resistance against the attempts to suppress their humanity and autonomy.

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Examples of resistance among African slaves to their condition date from?

the Middle Passage.

How did slaves show their resistance towards their master?

Slaves showed resistance towards their masters by performing acts of sabotage, running away from plantations, engaging in covert or open defiance, feigning illness or incompetence, and organizing rebellions or uprisings. These actions were often risky and dangerous, as punishment for resistance could be severe.

Why did the Spanish begin to use African slaves on their plantations?

The Spanish began using African slaves on their plantations due to a shortage of indigenous laborers caused by disease, exploitation, and resistance. African slaves were seen as a more available and cost-effective labor source for colonial agriculture.

What is an example of passive resistance used by both Indigenous and African slaves?

Pretending to be sick to avoid work.

What are the reasons behind African resistance to the colonial education policies?

In the colonies of the United States there was no education for slaves. It was against the law to teach them to read and there was no resistance to these policies.

What reasons are behind African resistance to colonial educational policies?

In the colonies of the United States there was no education for slaves. It was against the law to teach them to read and there was no resistance to these policies.

What is the truth about slavery in north america?

African slaves were preferred over the Native Americans because they showed fierce resistance

What did Bartolom de las Casas initially suggest to reform the encomienda system?

to replace Indian slaves with African slaves

What stereotype did the minstrel show represent?

African Americans as happy but lazy slaves APEX

Which stereotype did the minstrel show of the early 1900s perpetrate?

African Americans as happy but lazy slaves

How did Harriet Tubman contributed to African Americans resistance to the fugitive slave act?

She used the Underground Railroad to guide hundreds of slaves to freedom.

How did Harriet Tubman contributed to African Americans resistance to fugitive slave act?

She used the Underground Railroad to guide hundreds of slaves to freedom.