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Yes we know from anicent Egyptain paintings and other artifacts that they did raise cattle and bulls. The Louvre Museum has a room dedicated just to this on thier groud floor room 5.

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Q: Did Ancient Egyptians rear cattle
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How do the Egyptians make sure the seeds are trodden down?

The ancient Egyptians used cattle to make sure the seeds were trodden down.

Why did Egypt worship cattle?

Cattle provided many products to the ancient Egyptians. They provided food, milk, and leather for clothing and shelter. They were worshiped because they were important to life.

What kind of animal did the ancient Egyptians have of the most?

Ancient Egyptians had many domesticated animals. They kept cats, monkeys and dogs for pets and they also cultivated cattle, sheep, goats and pigs for food. Oxen and donkeys were used as beasts of burden and for plowing fields. Of all of these, the most important were the cattle. How big your cattle herd was reflected greatly on your status in the community. Taxes were levied based on the size of the cattle herd.

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The Ancient Egyptians domesticated many different types of animals - sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, geese and later horses.

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The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.

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The ancient Egyptians transported many things. They transported things such as~ * spices * cattle * grains * furniture * gold, etc

Most ancient Egyptians were?

most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers

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The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids for pharaohs in the afterlife.

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ancient Egyptians used lyre

Did ancient egyptians wrap cats or mice?

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Did ancient Egyptians come to Australia?

No. Ancient Egyptians never got to Australia.