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They didn't went to prison, they went to a camp. (Forgot what it's called and it's start with a C.) They were Jews. The Germans captured over millions of Jews into the camp. About one million Jews died. Mr. Frank was a Survivor.

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1mo ago

No, Anne Frank's family did not go to prison. They went into hiding during World War II to evade capture by the Nazis due to their Jewish heritage. Anne Frank and her family were discovered and arrested in 1944, eventually ending up in concentration camps where Anne tragically died.

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Q: Did Anne frank's family go to prison and why?
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What did Anne franks family go into hiding?

yes they did

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Were all Anne Franks family Jewish?

Yes, Anne Frank's family was Jewish. Anne Frank and her family were targeted and persecuted by the Nazis during World War II because of their Jewish heritage.

Did either of Anne Franks parents bring money into the family?

Yes. Otto Frank ran a business until he and his family had to go into hiding.

What does the franks family do when Margot Anne's older sister receives a call to go to a work camp in Germany?

Tehy run!

What does Anne franks family do when Margo get called to the camp?

When Margot is called to the camp, Anne's family decides to go into hiding to avoid being captured by the Nazis. They move into the secret annex in the building where Anne's father worked, where they remain hidden for over two years.

What year did Anne Franks family go into hiding?

On the morning of Monday, 6 July 1942 Taken from:

How was Anne franks house left?

After the Franks were discovered and arrested, their hiding place was left empty. The belongings inside were left untouched until after the war, when Otto Frank, Anne's father and the only survivor from the family, returned to retrieve them. Today, Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam is a museum preserving the memory of the family and their experience during the Holocaust.

Why does anne franks family go into hiding?

because Adolf Hitler wanted all the jews to leave

Where did the frank family go?

This is a vague question, when the franks went into hiding they hid at miepes and mr kralers buisness on the top floor. when they were caught anne went to bergen belson.

When did Anne Franks family go to Holand?

Anne Frank's family moved to the Netherlands in 1933 to escape persecution in Germany. They eventually went into hiding in Amsterdam in 1942 to avoid being captured by the Nazis.

Who was Anne Franks roll module in life?

she didnt go to school, so she can't have had any modules