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No. All that happened is Poseidon's rage. He did not want to talk about it. He was to mad.

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Q: Did Athena talk to poesidon after she won Athens?
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Where did Athens oringanate from?

Athens was named after the goddess Athena after she won the city against Poesidon the god of the sea

Is Athens named after the greek goddess Athena?

Yes, it is. Athens was named after Athena because she and Poseidon were in a competition to have Athens. Athena won by creating the first olive tree.

What did Athena rule?

Athena ruled the city of Athens, which she won against Poseidon.

Who won the contest to become the patron god of Athens?


How did the city of Athens get its name?

Athens is named after it's patron goddess Pallas Athene, or Athena. Athena won the rights to being patron of the city when she produced the olive tree, beating the salt water spring that Poseidon (her competition who was also vying for patron) created. Thus, the city was named in her honor. That is also why the Parthenon (a temple dedicated to her) is located in the agora of Athens.

Which gods were important to ancient Athens?

Athena was the most important, she was Athens patron Goddess. Poisdeon was quite important as well, seeing as he and Athena both wanted Athens, she obviously won.

What struggles did Athena face?

Claiming Athens. Athena and Poseidon fought over it until Zeus suggested to give a gift that would be judged by the Athenians themselves. Athena won and declared patron of Athens.

Who was the city Athens name after?

The Greek city Athens was named after Athena. She and Poseidon fought over who would rule the land and Athena won, therefore the city was named after her.

What does Posiedon not like?

Poseidon is not a fan of Athena. When they both wanted to rule Athens, Athena won and Poseidon has hated her since.

Which state was named after the goddess Athena?

The Greek City-State Athens was named for Athena. Athena won Athens from Poseidon because her gift of the olive tree was favored over Poseidon's salt spring, the sea of Erekhtheis.

Was a temple built for Athena?

The temple was built for Athena to honor her. The city (Athens) was named after her after a fight with Poseidon on who the city would be named after. As you can tell from the name, Athena won.

The city of Athens was named for .?

Athens was named after Athena, the patron goddess of the city. She and Poseidon fought over who would be patron, and in the end, they had a competition. They both had to create a gift to give to the Athenians, and whoever had the better gift won. Poseidon made a salt water spring (being the god of the seas) and Athena created the olive tree. Needless to say, she won.