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Q: Did Barack Obama and his wife go to college?
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Related questions

What made Barack Obama go to college?

Inspiration and determination.

How many blacks go to college?

Well...Barack Obama went to college for sure... n i will go for Jackson too

What rough times did Barack Obama go through?

Barack Obama did go through segragation when he was younger

Who is Barack Obama's best friend?

Barack Obama has several best friends, who go back to his days living in Chicago. They include Reggie Love and David Axelrod. He has also said he considers his wife his best friend.

Does Barack Obama like war?

Barack Obama believes that we should only go to war when it is absolutely necessary.

What other name does Barack Obama go by?

President-elect Obama.

President that did not go to school?

Barack Obama

Where did Barack Obama go to collage?


Where did Barack Obama go to work?


What college did Bill Gates and President Obama go to?

Bill Gates attended Harvard University, but dropped out. Barack Obama graduated from Columbia, and got a law degree from Harvard.

Why didnt Barack go back to Kenya?

A lot of people wonder why Obama doesn't go back to Kenya. In a speech, Michelle Obama said Kenya is Barack Obama's home country.

Where did Obama's wife go to college?

Michelle Obama attended Princeton University as an undergraduate, and then went to Harvard Law School.