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Pennsylvania delegate Benjamin Franklin, one of the few Americans of the time with international repute, wanted to give a short speech to the Convention prior to the signing of the final draft of the Constitution. Too weak to actually give the speech himself, he had fellow Pennsylvanian James Wilson deliver the speech. It is considered a masterpiece.

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Q: Did Benjamin Franklin propose anything at the Constitutional Convention?
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What was Benjamin franklin's title in Pennsylvania during the Constitutional convention?

He was a delegate and an inventor in the constitutional convention. I actually had a question for this on my social studies test, and the only thing i wrote was this, yet I got it correct, so I hope this helped(:

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the meaning is that they could do anything constitutional

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Why didn't bengamin Franklin sign the constutution?

As President of the Constitutional Convention, George Washington was the first signer of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787. Washington was NOT a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

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Benjamin Franklin didn't invent anything he just discovered stuff.

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i believe it did because of the rebellion the taxes wasdiscused

What was the personal relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Ben Franklin?

Personal relationship? Well, it was more a formal relationship...Hamilton respected Franklin more than anything else. They didn't really meet until the Constitutional Convention, where Hamilton politely seconded a motion of Franklin's concerning government salaries, but more of respect for Franklin than of his motion.

Who was elected President of the Constitutional ConventionAsk us anything?

Washington was president of the convention. Historical reports show he didn't contribute to the discussions in the convention, but served to keep the convention on task.

What did Benjamin Franklin do after the war?

He was a Barber

Did Benjamin Franklin have education that he received for anything?

This question has not been answered because no one can figure out what it means.

Did Benjamin Franklin do a lot in the Revolutionary War?

Benjamin Franklin did do a lot with making the constitution and all that kind of work with the laws and stuff but he didn't do anything in the war like the fight. he was to old and weighed to much. he did work but not the dirty work