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Q: Did British army soldiers have ration books and how did the rations work when they were home on leave?
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Did the soldiers in world war 2 get ration books too?

No, soldiers on active duty did not require ration books, the service provided for their needs.

How did people earn rations during World War 2?

Government issued ration books

Did Japan have ration books?

The only rationing the Japanese had was the food and supplies they had for their soldiers. The rations involved rice, meat fish, fowl. It also contained soup base, as well as fruit and tea.

Why did the shopkeeper have to stamp your ration book in World War 2?

the shopkeepers in world war 2 had to stamp the ration books to make sure that the person collecting the rations could not collect more.

Did Australia use ration books in the great depression?

yes they did they had very small rations as well around 1 egg a week for 1 person

Who invented ration books?

who invented the ration books

What part of speech is ration books?

Ration books is a plural noun. The singular is ration book.

What were the tabs in the ration books called?

Ration Tabs

What were rations in World War II?

Rations in World War II consisted of limited amounts of essential food items like meat, sugar, butter, and coffee. People were issued ration books with coupons that allowed them to purchase specified amounts of these items. Rationing was necessary to ensure fair distribution and conserve resources for the war effort.

Did soldiers get ration books in World War 2?

Yes. All countries involved in WW2 (and all occupied territories) had rationing and ration books. The only alternative to rationing by coupons would have been rationing by price. In most cases, this would have sent the prices of essentials sky high.

What do ration books look like?

Ration books looked like little notebooks but inside them they're like little letter stamps

Were World War 2 ration books distributed to children?

Ration books were issued by the US government to allow everyone to have the same chance to get goods as everyone else. There is no exact number on how many ration books were issued but over 8000 ration offices were opened to control the rationing.