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The first Civil Rights bill was enacted in 1875. World War One ended in 1918. Charles Lindbergh took his famous flight trip in 1927. The first atomic bomb was dropped in 1945. Therefore, the first Civil Rights bill enactment occured first.

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Q: Did Charles Lindbergh's famous flight or the dropping of the first atomic bomb or the Civil Rights enactment or the end of World War I occur first?
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Did Charles Lindburgh's famous flight or the dropping of the first atomic bomb or the Civil Rights enactment occur first?

The first Civil Rights enactment occured in 1875. Charles Lindburgh took his famous flight trip in 1927. The first atomic bomb was dropping in 1945. Therefore, the Civil Rights bill enactment occured first.

Did the first atomic bomb dropping or Civil Rights Bill enactment occur first?

The first Civil Rights encactment occured in 1875; the first atomic bomb was dropped in 1945. Therefore, the Civil Rights Bill enactment occured first.

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