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When Christianity was endorsed by the Christian Romans Emperors, these emperors appointed Christian senators.

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Q: Did Christians serve in the roman Senate?
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It is most probable that Nero had nothing against Christians personally, but they made a convenient scapegoat for the burning of Rome which allowed him to build his extravagant palace on the previous site of ancient Roman temples. The early Christians were not liked among the Roman public because they would not serve in the Roman Army or acknowledge the traditional Roman gods. Nero's palace was never finished. In time, hatred for the Christians abated while Nero became ever more unpopular, and he was overthrown. The Senate tried him in absentia, found him guilty, and sentenced him to be beaten to death. It was a Roman punishment not used anymore, but Nero was so hated that it was reinstated especially for him, and he stabbed himself in the throat rather than be put to death in this manner.

How many people serve in the senate in Australia?

76 people serve in the senate didn't you know that!

Did Roman government have a senate?

Yes, Roman government did in fact have a senate.

What is the meaning of Roman senate?

The Senate was one of the governing bodies of the Roman Republic and of the Roman Empire.

Two individuals were selected each year to serve in wich of these branches of roman government?

The ancient Roman government elected two consuls every year. They elected two people to serve in the lead position as a separation of power.

How did the role of the Roman Senate in 100B.C.E. compare to the Roman Senate in 100C.E.?


How many members serve in the senate?

There are approximately 100 members that are elected and serve in the senate. Each senate member serves a six year term.

What groups made up the general Roman society?

Roman society was divided into the patricians (the aristocracy), the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining, and the plebeians (the commoners). there were also slaves and freedmen