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Q: Did Composers responded to the Reformation by writing new music for the Protestant liturgy in languages other than Latin?
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Who responded to the Japanese attack on pearl harbor?

the united states responded to the attack on pearl harbor.

What act of martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation and how did both the German nobles and catholic church respond?

Act that started it: Luther nailed the 95 theses in 1517 to the doors of Wittenburg Cathedral How the German Nobles responded: Suprisingly nicely- Frederik of Saxony sheltered Luther and kept him safe from opponents Philip of Hesse organised a military league to protect Protestantism Many Princes joined as it meant that taxes would be paid to them rather than the "foreign" church How the Catholic Church Responded: First they sent Cardinal Cajetan in 1518 but to no avail Then they sent a debater, Johann Eck in 1519. Again to no avail They excommunicated him in 1520, but Luther burned the letter They summoned him to the Diet of Worms (council) in 1521 and labelled him a heretic but he fled.

What did the maoris think of the treaty after it was signed?

Maori responded to the treaty in many ways, one of the ways they responded was by debating the treaty.

Catholics created religious art while Protestants created art depicting everyday scenes. Which issue did Catholics and Protestants disagree about that led to their radically different art?

There were many issues that the protestants and Catholics disagreed about. Catholic art responded to the reformation by depicting the issues that were being challenged. So in Catholic art you will find the virgin Mary or art depicting the dogma of the immaculate conception or saints eg Saint Catherine being welcomed into heaven. In general Protestant art tended to avoid: grandiose images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary; big set-piece scenes from the Bible (like the Passion of Christ); images of the Saints; and, in particular, depictions of the Popes and other senior clergy. Instead, Protestant art focused on humble depictions of biblical scenes and moralistic depictions of contemporary everyday life.

How did the results of the 1956 uprising in Poland and Hungary differ?

Nikita Khrushchev responded with troops and tanks to the uprising in Hungary.

Related questions

What was the period after reformation known as?

The period after the Reformation is known as the Counter-Reformation or Catholic Reformation. It was a time when the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation and made efforts to reform itself while also opposing Protestant beliefs.

What caused the counter reformation?

Counter Reformation 16th-century reformation that arose largely in answer to the Protestant Reformation; sometimes called the Catholic Reformation. Although the Roman Catholic reformers shared the Protestants' revulsion at the corrupt conditions in the church, there was present none of the tradition breaking that characterized Protestantism. The Counter Reformation was led by conservative forces whose aim was both to reform the church and to secure the its traditions against the innovations of Protestant theology and against the more liberalizing effects of the Renaissance.

How did reformation and counter-reformation affect education?

The Reformation prompted increased emphasis on literacy and education as people sought to read the Bible for themselves. Protestant regions established new schools to teach these skills. The Counter-Reformation, led by the Catholic Church, responded with its own educational programs with a focus on defending and spreading Catholic teachings. This competition led to overall improvements in education across Europe.

Why didn't the church fight the Reformation?

It did - the Catholic Church responded to the Reformation with the Counter-Reformation. Jan Hus and John Wycliffe, who were early supporters of reform, were burned as heretics (Wycliffe posthumously). The reformation involved many wars, such as the Hussite Wars and the German Peasants' Revolt. Martin Luther, one of the leaders of the Reformation, was excommunicated by the Pope. The Reformation was not an instant, easy movement - it met with quite a lot of resistance.

What is a sentence for responded?

He responded to the call for help.I have already responded to your question.

How did the church feel about martins reforms?

The Catholic Church responded through the Catholic (or Counter) Reformation. They acknowledged there was corruption in the church, though they restated their intentions to keep the sacraments. Calvinists, on the other hand, were treated more harshly.

What is the adverb of ambiguous?

ambiguously. The -ly gives it away. An adverb modifies a verb. "He responded ambiguously." "He responded quickly." The verb "responded" was modified to say how "he responded".

Is responded past tense?

Yes, responded is the past tense of respond.

How has the government responded to counterfeit?

The Government has responded by scolding your parents for irresponsibility.

How did the colonists responded and how did the British responded to thhe colonist?

They started the revolutionary war

What is the unscrambled word for dnrdosepe?

The unscrambled word for "dnrdosepe" is "responded."

Who responded to the Japanese attack on pearl harbor?

the united states responded to the attack on pearl harbor.