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Q: Did Confucius make a difference
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Why did Confucius make Analects?

Confucius did not write the Analects his pupils did after his death.

What were Confucius idea about family?

confucius thought teaching childen would make them respect their parents and have a loyalty family bond

What were Confucius's ideas about family?

confucius thought teaching childen would make them respect their parents and have a loyalty family bond

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What contributions did Confucius make towards literature?

he was a philosopher. he was an early philosopher.

Did Confucius die?

Confucius was killed, was stabed

What was Confucius job?

Confucius was a Philosopher

Who is the Confucius?

Confucius was a philosopher, not a god. The god Confucius believed in was Ti'en(Heaven).

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Confucius was philosopher.

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What was Confucius like when he was 15?

He did not like violence and wanted to make a better society.