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Yes they did, but then they lost it all to the Muslims, therefore making another enemy.

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Q: Did Crusades achieve their main goal?
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Did they achieve their goal for the Crusades?

No they did not

What was the chief goal of the crusades main goal?

To get the Holy Land

What was that goal of the crusades?

There are several reasons for this but the main goal was to conquer Jerusalem, the holy city and to expand the power of the holy catholic church.

What are facts about the crusades?

Crusades was a series of holy wars!The Crusades were holy wars between the Christan's and The Muslims. There were 7 Crusades in total. They went from 1095-1270. The main goal of the Crusades was the Christians wanted to take the Holy City Of Jerusalem out of the Muslims power. Hope this helped :D

The goal of the Crusades was?

not accomplished

Was the goal of the Crusades?

not accomplished

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It is the main character, one who is trying to achieve a goal.

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the main objective for a business is to achieve there goal

What was the main purpose of the crusades?

the main purpose of the crusades was to be themselves

Was the goal of the crusades accomplished?


What was the aim of the crusades?

The goal of the crusades was to take the Holy lands and to conker the muslams.