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It is possible to find almost any prophecy you want, in The Bible. In fact, Burton L. Mack (Who Wrote the New Testament) says one can ask any question of the Bible and get some kind of answer. If the first answer does not appear to be helpful, one can look for another answer to the same question, until the right answer appears. He sees this done all the time in the classrooms of the School of Theology at Claremont.

Nevertheless, in this case, we can be absolutely certain that Daniel made no prophecy abut the Messiah. Scholars have established that the Book of Daniel was a Jewish novel that was compiled in the second century BCE, centuries after Daniel is supposed to have lived. Daniel was not a real, historical person.

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No, the book of Daniel does not predict the exact day the Messiah will die. The book contains prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, but does not specify the date of his death.

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