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No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

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Q: Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?
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Could it be that the Depoprovera shot that you got has actually cured my Crohns disease?

No Depo provera has no known effect on Crohns disease. The progestin can change your appetite and therefore your eating habits but it does not cure Crohns disease. Most likely you are simply in a remission which has coincided with the new birth control.

How do you treat crohns disease?

There are many ways to treat Crohn's. Usually a combination of diet and medication but each case is managed differently and depending on severity. Here is a good place to start getting some answers. Be very wary of any internet site that claims to cure Crohns. There absolutely is no cure for Crohns only management of symptoms.

Does oatmeal cause dirrerhea and effects crohns disease?

it depends on the paitent with crohn's. one paitent might get horrible dirrerhea from eating oatmeal while another paitent eats it without any dirrerhea at all.

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When you have IBD, it's best to eat foods that are high in fiber and avoid greasy, fried foods. You can find information on what to eat for the inflammatory bowel diet at and

Disorders of the digestive system?

There are many different disorders of the digestive system. Some of these disorders include gastroesophageal reflex, Alagille syndrome, appendicitis, diarrhea, jaundice, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, and polyps.

Why is it harder to absorb the nutrients in a banana when you have crohns disease?

It's not just banana's Crohns patients have trouble with. Crohns patients often have a hard time absorbing many nutrients. Up to 40 percent of people with Crohns do not absorb carbohydrates properly. They may experience bloating, gas, and diarrhea as well as a loss in other important nutrients. As for Banana's, bananas have been found to be beneficial to Crohns sufferers because of the high vitamins and minerals, not to mention being low density texture wise. Your digestive system may have trouble absorbing what you need so the newest theory in dietary rules indicate you should load up on the best available. Banana's are one fruit Crohns dietitian specialists now suggest eating. Bananas also help neutralize stomach acids, and are used as a preventative against ulcers, something crucial for those with Crohns, as it may help minimize future flare ups. A banana per day can help achieve a goal of Crohns nutrition management, which is running to the bathroom less.

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by eating soft food EX: jello and fluids and alot of water

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Best diet for crohns disease?

Because every patient has dietary "triggers" that can exacerbate symptoms, doctors like to "start from scratch" when treating symptoms. Putting you on a bland diet can seem cruel at first but it is not forever. A bland diet means nothing spicy, everything easy to digest, low residue. Everything you eat should be non irritating to the digestion. Avoiding the following foods will be part of this but some of them can be added slowly later to see how you react. Alcohol, caffeine, spices, tannin (tea), raw fruit, raw veggies, onions, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, sausage, lunch meats, fried foods. This list is not complete but will give you an idea. Check with a dietitian for an in depth listing.

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What causes crohns spasms?

The stomach pain/cramping in Crohn's Disease is a result of the narrowing of the intestinal tract. It can be triggered by eating certain foods that do not easily digest, (some common trigger foods include: nuts, seeds, corn, grease, fried foods, etc.) stress, over-exercising, and not taking medication.