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The stomach pain/cramping in Crohn's Disease is a result of the narrowing of the intestinal tract. It can be triggered by eating certain foods that do not easily digest, (some common trigger foods include: nuts, seeds, corn, grease, fried foods, etc.) stress, over-exercising, and not taking medication.

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Q: What causes crohns spasms?
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Related questions

Can a person have esophageal spasms first then later on get Crohns disease?

Crohns symptoms can occur from mouth to anus. It is likely the original esophageal spasms were symptoms of Crohns disease that were undiagnosed until later.

What causes servere muscle spasms throughout the body?

An imbalance of electrolytes causes problems with spasms.

Can you get Crohn's disease?

There is no know cause of Crohns disease at this time. Research is ongoing as to the causes of Crohns disease.

Can Crohn's disease cause esophageal spams?

Yes, Crohns can in fact result in spasms of the esophagus. Crohns can affect every part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. Food passing over an area in the esophagus that is inflamed or ulcered can cause short term spasms and choking. Liquid diet is often advised during a flare when the throat/esophagus is involved.

What disease causes you to poop yourself to death?

Crohns disease can do that.

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How can crohns disease be prevented?

Because Crohns disease has not been fully researched as to the causes, it cannot be prevented. Once diagnosed, the disease can be managed but never cured.

What would cause frequent spasms in the pelvic area in men?

What causes spasms in the front right pelvic area?

What Causes anal pain and anal spasms?

My massive penis

Will Crohns disease cause the uvula and other areas of the throat to swell?

Crohns disease can cause symptoms anywhere in the digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It is unlikely Crohns disease would be the first suspect for a swollen uvula or sore throat but eventually, after eliminating the usual suspected causes, a test for Crohns could verify that diagnosis.

Where online can one find information about treating muscle spasms?

One might find information about treating muscle spasms at the online site WebMD. They have great details on the causes and potential treatments for these spasms.