

Did Edmund Halley ever see the comet?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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No! he predicted that it would appear but he wasn't around to see it. It was named after him not by him.

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Q: Did Edmund Halley ever see the comet?
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Who discoverd halleys comet?

We don't know exactly. The person who recognized that it was the same comet appearing periodically every 76 years or so was Edmund Halley, but we don't know who was the first to ever see it.

What year did Edmund halley discover halley's comet?

Edmund Halley didn't discover the comet, he predicted when it would return. Up to his time no-one had been able to say when a comet would appear. In 1705, using Newtons laws of gravity, he was able to calculate the effects on a comet of the gravity of planets like Jupiter and Saturn; this allowed him to identify comets recorded in 1682, 1607, and 1531 as the same comet. He then calculated it appeared every 76 years and predicted its return in 1758. Halley himself didn't live to see it, but it turned up right on time, was given his name, and has been Halley's comet ever since.

Has Halley's Comet ever come on New Years?

Halley's Comet has been visible over the New Year, during several passes. Halley's Comet is generally visible for a few months during each pass. See the link for the known first-sighting dates.

When did astronomers see halley comet?


Who predicted next coming of Halley's comet?

Halley's comet was predicted by Edmund Halley he took the comets of 1531-1607-1682, and using Newton law of gravitation (who was Halley good friend) and predicted when that comet would return in 1758 and sure enough on Christmas eve of 1758 it returned. oh and by the way he did not live to see it and also they called him a nut job that whole year Untill its return

Comet which seen in every 73 years?

That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,

How much does Halley's comet weigh?

Halley's comet's mass (weight) is exactly 2.2×1014 (TO the power of 14)

Is it humanly possible to see Halley's comet twice?

Yes, it is humanly possible to see Halley's comet twice. A person can see it at a young age and again at an old age.

Who was the first person to see halley comet?

No, many thousands - probably MILLIONS - of people had observed what we now call "Halley's Comet" in the thousands of years before Edmund Halley realized that this was probably ONE comet coming back MANY times at regular intervals. Halley "predicted" that the comet would return to become visible again, and named the year - and he was right. In his honor, and long after his death, the comet was named for him.

When was the last time halley appeared?

Edmund Halley himself has not been seen since he was buried in the graveyard of the old church of St. Margaret, Lee, England. The comet that bears his name, Halley's Comet, was last seen by the public in 1986. However, the comet was on the far side of the Sun, and very few people were able to see it at all. Halley's Comet was last seen through the Very Large Telescope array at Paranal, Chile, in 2003. Halley's Comet will next appear in 2061, when it should be much more visible than it was in 1986, and the 2134 pass is expected to be VERY close to Earth. Too bad we won't be around to see it!

What does the name Halley's comet means?

Halley's Comet had been recorded every 76 years or so since about 200 BC; Edmund Halley was the first person to realize that the comets of 1531, 1607 and 1682 were in fact the SAME comet coming back again and again, and he predicted that the comet would again be visible in 1758. Edmund Halley himself did not live to see the comet's scheduled return, but in his honor the comet was named "Halley's Comet". A comet is a small, cold object in orbit round our sun. Every so often its orbit brings the comet close to the sun. A comet consists largely of ices. When it gets close to the sun these ices become vapour. The pressure of the solar wind and the light from the sun blow these vapours away from the sun, giving the comet a long tail. This tail is illuminated by sunlight and is often easily visible to the naked eye. Its name comes from Edmond Halley, an English astronomer who saw it in 1682, and recognised it as a periodic comet which had been passing close to the sun every 76 years for hundreds of years.

When did the Chinese see Halley's comet?

after every 76 years