

Did Einstein invent a formula

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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E = MC2

Energy = Mass * 300,000 m/s2

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Q: Did Einstein invent a formula
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What did aldert Einstein invent?

He came up with the formula E=MCsquared.

What did Albert Einstein invent give it to me in words like television?

He invented the formula E=MC2

What year did Albert Einstein invent mathematics?

Albert Einstein did not invent mathematics.

Did Albert Einstein invent the phonograph?

No, Albert Einstein did not invent the phonograph. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. Einstein was a physicist known for his theory of relativity and work in theoretical physics.

Why did Einstein invent math inventions?

Albert Einstein did not invent any mathematical inventions.

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No, Albert Einstein did not invent repeating decimals.

How did Albert Einstein invent the atomic bomb?

Albert Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb. He was a physicist who signed a letter to President Roosevelt in 1939 warning of the potential of atomic weapons and the need for the US to pursue nuclear research. The atomic bomb was actually developed by a team of scientists, including J. Robert Oppenheimer, as part of the Manhattan Project during World War II.

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Einstein did not invent anything, much less any sort of lettuce.

When did Einstein invent the telephone?

NO. The person who created the telephone was Graham Bell

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Why did Albert Einstein invent the light bulb?

Albert Einstein did not invent the light bulb. The light bulb was actually invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. Einstein was a physicist known for his theories of relativity and his work on the photoelectric effect, but he did not invent the light bulb.

When did Einstein invent the refrigerater?

He did not invent the refrigerator but a type of refrigeration.